History Andrews University

1 history

1.1 1874–1901 battle creek college
1.2 1901–1959 emmanuel missionary college

1.2.1 sda theological seminary

1.3 1959–1974 andrews university

1.3.1 potomac university
1.3.2 renamed andrews university

1.4 1974–present

1874–1901 battle creek college

andrews university founded small seventh-day adventist school called battle creek college in 1874 named nearby city of battle creek, michigan.

1901–1959 emmanuel missionary college

in 1901, school moved battle creek, michigan current location in berrien springs. said school had packed in 16 boxcars , sent on way. school renamed emmanuel missionary college , or emc short. first school among having distinctive biblical name .

after sda college had been known battle creek college moved berrien springs, dr. john harvey kellogg opened new battle creek college in battle creek under presidency in 1923, bringing existing training school nurses, school of home economics, , school of physical education. battle creek college operated until 1938.

emmanuel missionary college continued grow through 20th century. in 1940s, nethery hall, current location of college of arts , sciences, built administration building. construction marked culmination of aggressive building program.

sda theological seminary

in 1930s seventh-day adventist leaders established theological seminary. @ first, located on campus of pacific union college in napa valley, california. later moved washington, d.c. , located near denominational headquarters.

1959–1974 andrews university

the following events culminated in relocating graduate program , theological seminary of potomac university washington, d.c. , joining school in berrien springs in 1959.

potomac university

in 1956, denominational leaders decided organize university in order train elementary , secondary teachers in adventist school rather send them unaffiliated university did not promote denominational perspective..

in 1956 charter granted. new school named potomac university. earlier, ellen white, cofounder of adventist church, had advised adventist schools locate in rural settings. church leaders looked suitable rural location new university near to, , in affiliation with, washington missionary college, washington adventist university. on period of 2 years effort put forth find such location. idea abandoned. expense involved in making such move.

at 1958 autumn council, held in washington, board of emmanuel missionary college invited general conference locate potomac university on campus. after careful deliberation, council voted unanimously accept offer , move institution emc campus.

arrangements similar envisioned washington missionary college made emc. emmanuel missionary college did not lose identity. remained college youth of lake union conference, affiliated new seventh-day adventist university.

in 1959, h. l. rudy, vice-president sda general conference, described relationship of new graduate university emmanuel missionary college:

potomac university (a new name under study) has been founded meet graduate needs of students, teachers, ministers, and^ other workers of church. university-type general conference institution draws students entire world field. undergraduate school—emmanuel missionary college—will continue recruit students own territory, seminary , school of graduate studies may recruit students entire world field.

renamed andrews university

because of addition of graduate programs , seminary in 1960, school renamed andrews university in honor of john nevins andrews, adventist scholar , first officially sponsored overseas missionary seventh-day adventist church. on past 3 years, church leaders had discussed appropriate new name graduate university.

on april 18, 1957, minutes of general conference committee report gave conclusion name of graduate school adventist university 3 years later, april 5, 1960, minutes of general conference committee s spring meeting recommended andrews university, saying name chosen because honors our first missionary, scholarly, dedicated man, j. n, andrews, , name has strong adventist appeal.

six months later, october 26 meeting of autumn council decided west coast university named loma linda university.

these minutes reveal growing awareness among church leaders seventh-day adventist church had two, rather one, developing universities; 1 in east , 1 on west coast.

today seminary known seventh-day adventist theological seminary.


in 1974, undergraduate division of andrews organized 2 colleges—the college of arts & sciences , college of technology. school of business administration, evolved department of business administration, established in 1980. in similar move, department of education became school of education in 1983. in 1993, department of architecture became division of architecture, , school of architecture, art & design. @ same time existing , new programs in technology restructured , new school of health professions opened in 2012.

the present organizational structure of school of graduate studies adopted in 1987. school of graduate studies & research, oversees graduate programs , research activities campus-wide.

griggs university joined andrews in 2011 become school of distance education. extends access adventist education beyond campus, community , national boundaries. supports schools in delivery of degrees @ national , international locations, while promoting , modeling best practices in distance education.

on thursday, april 11, 2007, president niels-erik andreasen announced @ special chapel assembly university had received gift totaling $8.5 million. anonymous donors requested money spent on following: construction of new entrance on old 31 (officially opened on june 2, 2008 , named j. n. andrews blvd.), 2 endowed chairs: 1 marketing department in school of business administration , second in seventh-day adventist theological seminary s christian ministry department, construction of milking parlor andrews dairy, refurbish kitchen , dining facilities in campus center, , support educational program of aeronautics department.


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