Politics Albania

edi rama

prime minister since 2013

kryeministria, official workplace of prime minister of albania.

politics in country operate under framework laid out in constitution of albania. first in 1913, albania constituted monarchy, briefly republic in 1920, democratic monarchy in 1928. succeeding, became socialist republic, until restoration of capitalism , democracy, after end of communism. nowadays, albania unitary parliamentary constitutional republic in president serves head of state , prime minister head of government.

the president head of state, commander-in-chief of military , representative of unity of albanian people. head of state elected five-year term parliament majority of three-fifths of members. president has power guarantee observation of constitution , laws, exercise duties of parliament when not in session , appoints prime minister. executive power exercised head of government , council of ministers, make government. parliament must give final approval of composition of cabinet. prime minister responsible carrying out both foreign , domestic policies, directs , controls activities of ministries , other state organs.

the façade of parliament of albania in tirana.

the parliament unicameral representative body of citizens of albania , elected people four-year term on basis of direct, universal, periodic , equal suffrage secret ballot. there 140 deputies in parliament, elected through party-list proportional representation system. parliament has power decide direction of domestic , foreign policy, approve or amend constitution, declare war on state, ratify or annul international treaties, elect president, supreme court, attorney general , deputies , control activity of state radio , television, state news agency , other official information media.

the judicial system of albania civil law system divided between courts regular civil , criminal jurisdiction , administrative courts. codified , based on french law. major institutions of branch include supreme court, constitutional court, court of appeal, , administrative court. law enforcement in country responsibility of albanian police. main , largest state law enforcement agency in country. carries general police duties thath includes criminal investigation, patrol activity, traffic policing , border control.

foreign relations

albania plays central role in negotiation of berlin process diplomatic initiative linked future enlargement of european union.

foreign relations conducted through ministry of foreign affairs in tirana. current minister ditmir bushati. since collapse of communism in 1990, albania has extended responsibilities , position in european , international affairs, supporting , establishing friendly relations other nations around world.

the main objectives of albanian foreign policy accession of albania european union, international recognition of kosovo, recognition of expulsion of cham albanians, helping , protecting of rights albanians in montenegro, macedonia, greece, southern serbia, italy , albanian diaspora. albania has network of 40 foreign embassies , 46 diplomatic missions abroad.

albania has been member of united nations since december 1955. 3 years later in 1958, became member of unesco. albania took on membership of united nations economic , social council 2005 2007 , second time in 2012. in addition that, albania served vice president of ecosoc in 2006 , 2013. in 2014, joined united nations human rights council 2015 2017 , elected vice president in 2015. albania among first eastern european countries join north atlantic treaty organization (nato). major albanian politicians considered admission nato top priority country. since 1992, has been extensively engaged nato, , has maintained position stability factor , strong ally of united states , european union in troubled , divided region of balkans.

besides, albania full member of numerous international organizations, namely united nations, council of europe, international organization migration, world health organization, union mediterranean, organisation of islamic cooperation, organization security , cooperation in europe, international monetary fund, world trade organization , la francophonie.


soldiers of albanian army.

the albanian armed forces military , paramilitary forces of albania, under president supreme commander. in times of peace, president s powers commander executed through prime minister , defence minister. military consists of general staff, land force, air force , naval force. albania has nocompulsory military service. until january 2010 military service compulsory men @ age 18 , conscripts served six-month tours of duty. nowadays, military service voluntary, age of 19 being legal minimum age duty.

albania has committed increase participations in multinational operations. since fall of communism, country has participated in 6 international missions participated in 1 united nations mission in georgia sending of 3 military observers. since february 2008, albania has participated officially in nato s operation active endeavor in mediterranean sea. invited join nato on 3 april 2008, , became full member on 2 april 2009.

albania reduced number of active troops 65,000 in 1988 14,500 in 2009. military consists of small fleet of aircraft , sea vessels. in 1990s, country scrapped enormous amounts of obsolete hardware china, such tanks , sam systems. increasing military budget 1 of important conditions nato integration. military spending has been low. of 1996 military spending estimated 1.5% of country s gdp, peak in 2009 @ 2% , fall again 1.5%. according 2016 global peace index, nation ranked 54th out of 163 countries in world.


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