Health Albania

albanian cuisine characterized use of vegetables , olive oil.

albania has universal health care system run ministry of health. according world health organization, albania had world s 55th best healthcare performance in 2000. system has been in steep decline since collapse of communism in country, process of modernization has been taking place since 2000. there total of 51 hospitals in 2000 in country, including military hospital , specialist facilities. common causes of death circulatory diseases followed cancerous illnesses. demographic , health surveys completed survey in april 2009, detailing various health statistics in albania, including male circumcision, abortion , more. leading causes of death cardiovascular disease, trauma, cancer, , respiratory disease. albania has eradicated diseases such malaria.

life expectancy estimated @ 77.8 years (75.1 males , 80.7 females), ranking thirty-seventh in world , outperforming number of european union countries, such slovenia, estonia, poland, hungary , slovakia. albania s infant mortality rate, estimated @ 12 per 1,000 live births in 2015. compared other european countries, albania has relatively low rate of obesity, health benefits of mediterranean diet.


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