Relations with other people Romani society and culture

an 1852 wallachian poster advertising auction of romani slaves.

because of nomadic lifestyle , differences in language , culture, romanies , more settled neighbours have held each other in distrust. popular image of romanies tramps , thieves unfit work contributed widespread persecution. belief cited etymological source of term gyp, meaning cheat , in got gypped con man. german name zigeuner thought through popular etymology derive either ziehende gauner, means travelling thieves , or hungarian cigány word szegény meaning poor . validity of these derivations, however, disputed.

there still tensions between romanies , majority population around them. common complaints romanies steal , live off social welfare , residents reject romani encampments. has led romani being described gypsies perhaps hated minority in europe. in uk, travellers (referring both irish travellers , romanies) became 2005 general election issue, michael howard, then-leader of conservative party promising review human rights act 1998. law, absorbs european convention on human rights uk primary legislation, seen permit granting of retrospective planning permission romani communities. severe population pressures , paucity of greenfield sites have led travellers purchasing land , setting residential settlements overnight, subverting planning restrictions imposed on other members of community. travellers argued in response thousands of retrospective planning permissions granted in britain in cases involving non-romanies applicants each year , statistics showed 90% of planning applications romanies , travellers refused local councils, compared national average of 20% other applicants, potentially disproving claims of preferential treatment favouring gypsies. argued root of problem many traditional stopping-places had been barricaded off , legislation passed previous conservative government had criminalised communities removing local authorities responsibility provide sites, leaving travellers no option purchase unregistered new sites themselves.

law enforcement agencies in united states hold regular conferences on romanies , similar nomadic groups.

in denmark, there controversy when city of helsingør decided put romani students in special classes in public schools. classes later abandoned after determined discriminatory , romani put in regular classes.

romani in eastern europe

romani boy in bear costume, part of entertainer team working christmas crowds. budapest, hungary.

in eastern europe, romani live in depressed squatter communities high unemployment, while integrated in society. however, in cases—notably kalderash clan in romania, work traditional coppersmiths—they have prospered. although romani still embrace nomadic lifestyle, migration forced, communities not accept romani settlements. however, each year in may approximately 10 15000 romani people pilgrimage les-saintes-marie-de-la-mer in southern france. romani arrive in caravans celebrations, weddings , religious ceremonies.

many countries formerly part of eastern bloc , former yugoslavia have substantial populations of romanies. level of integration of romanies society remains limited. in these countries, remain on margins of society, living in isolated, ghetto-like settlements (see chánov). small fraction of romani children graduate secondary schools, though numerous official efforts have been made, past , present, compel attendance. romanies feel rejected state , main population, creating obstacle integration.

in czech republic, 75% of romani children educated in schools people learning difficulties , 70% unemployed, compared national rate of 9%. in hungary, 44% of romani children in special schools, while 74% of men , 83% of women unemployed. in slovakia, romani children 28 times more sent special school non-romani, whilst romani unemployment stands @ 80%.

in countries, dependence on social security systems part of problem. romani families, may preferable live on social security compared low-paid jobs. creates many new problems: anger against romanies, conditions produce crime, , extreme sensitivity changes in social security. example of latter slovakia, reduction of social security (a family paid allowance first 3 children) led civil disorder in several romani villages.

in 2004, lívia járóka , viktória mohácsi of hungary became 2 current romani members of european parliament. first romani mep juan de dios ramírez heredia of spain.

seven former communist central european , southeastern european states launched decade of roma inclusion initiative in 2005 improve socioeconomic conditions , status of romani minority.


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