Order: Chiroptera .28bats.29 List of mammals of Estonia

daubenton s bat

common noctule

the bats distinguishing feature forelimbs developed wings, making them mammals in world naturally capable of flight. bat species account 20% of mammals.

family: vespertilionidae

subfamily: myotinae

genus: myotis

brandt s bat myotis brandti lr/lc
pond bat myotis dasycneme vu
daubenton s bat myotis daubentonii lr/lc
whiskered bat myotis mystacinus lr/lc
natterer s bat myotis nattereri lr/lc

subfamily: vespertilioninae

genus: barbastella

barbastelle barbastella barbastellus vu

genus: eptesicus

northern bat eptesicus nilssoni lr/lc

genus: nyctalus

common noctule nyctalus noctula lr/lc

genus: pipistrellus

nathusius pipistrelle pipistrellus nathusii lr/lc
common pipistrelle pipistrellus pipistrellus lc
soprano pipistrelle, pipistrellus pygmaeus

genus: plecotus

brown long-eared bat (common long-eared bat) plecotus auritus lr/lc

genus: vespertilio

parti-coloured bat vespertilio murinus lr/lc


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