Education Urmia

a school in urmia (1910)

the first modern style school established in urmia in 1834.

urmia university s hall

higher education

urmia important center higher education approximately century ago, indeed, medical faculty of urmia built joseph cochran , team of american medical associates in 1878, first university of iran. unfortunately faculty became shut down before establishment of first official university of iran, university of tehran.

nowadays urmia has become considerable educational city. city owns state , private universities , institutes listed below.

universities in urmia:


allame tabatabayee library
central library of urmia
library of ghaem
library of i.r. iran education ministry
library of imam ali
library of kanoon parvaresh fekri
library of khane-ye-javan
library of shahid motahhari
library of shahid bahonar
library of urmia cultural , artistical center

^ معاون شهرسازی و معماری شهردار ارومیه خبر داد تخصیص بودجه 550 میلیارد تومانی شهرداری ارومیه . 


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