Duchess of Orléans Margravine Auguste of Baden-Baden

portrait identified auguste duchess of orléans unknown artist (possibly pierre gobert)

her mother preferred french match strengthen ties powerful neighbour prior auguste s birth, had ravaged baden-baden. auguste preferred german match due roots. auguste, gave mother , agreed match louis d orléans , there proxy ceremony held @ schloss rastatt before married on 13 july 1724 louis d orléans, grandson of louis xiv of france. chosen for, among other reasons, family s catholicism, brought comparatively small dowry of 80,000 livres orléans.

at court of versailles, known alternatively jeanne or auguste de bade, latter signed. marriage first prince of blood allowed use style of madame la princesse, , made 1 of important ladies @ court of young louis xv of france. @ time of marriage, young king louis engaged first cousin infanta mariana victoria of spain. couple never married , in 1725 sent spain making auguste , mother in law dowager duchess of orléans senior women @ court. popular court , noted being charming. in 1725, louis xv married marie leszczyńska, making auguste 1 step behind new queen in terms of rank , etiquette. , husband lived in château de saint-cloud, 1 of orléans residences, , had apartment @ château of versailles son louis philippe born in 1725.

expecting give birth second child @ versailles in august 1726, mother in law dowager duchess of orléans forced heavily pregnant daughter in law return paris in order have child @ palais-royal. leaving versailles on 4 august, had stop @ sèvres due extremity of labour pains. despite stop, returned paris.

auguste died on 8 august 1726, @ age of twenty-two, 3 days after giving birth couple s second child @ palais-royal, paris residence of house of orléans. despite shortness of relationship, many contemporaries said couple matched , had fallen in love @ first sight. after death, husband went long period of mourning. said of auguste had great qualities of heart, died universal regret of france.

she buried @ val-de-grâce convent in paris. after death, aunt marriage Élisabeth charlotte d orléans suggested louis marry 1 of daughters namely Élisabeth thérèse of lorraine , anne charlotte. louis refused outright, annoyance of aunt.


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