Life Amalia Holst

1 life

1.1 life
1.2 marriage , children
1.3 career
1.4 death , afterward

early life

amalia holst born in 1758 in mecklenburg. daughter of johanna maria magdalena marchand , johann heinrich gottlob von justi and oldest of 6 children father’s second marriage. father well-known political economist , prussian chief inspector of mines. feminist, published pieces advocating improved women’s education. when holst 10 years old, accused of embezzling funds , imprisoned in küstrin died several years later.

after father’s death, family split up. possessions had dissolved. holst’s mother went live brother, pastor in brunswick. younger sisters lodged monastery in potsdam , brother admitted danish cadet school. unknown happened holst during time.

in large part due justi’s progressive beliefs, holst 1 of few women receive college education during time. said have received doctorate in philosophy university of kiel.

marriage , children

her name appeared again 20 years later in 1791 when @ age of 33, married ludolf holst, lawyer director of pedagogical institute in hamburg-st georg. had 3 children together, 1 son , 2 daughters.


that same year published first work, observations on errors of our modern education practical teacher (german: bemerkungen über die fehler unserer modernen erziehung von einer praktischen erzieherin) after having supported herself through teaching young age.

from 1792-1802, holst headmistress of preschool husband oversaw. during time, opened several small schools in hamburg, wittenberg , boizenburg. these schools short-lived however, , reason closings not known.

holst published letters on elisa, or women ought (german: “breife über elisa, oder das weib wie es seyn sollte ), second of 3 known works, in 1799. written in response novel, according holst dangerously extolled marital oppression of title character. in advocated marital equality , female autonomy. argued women should defined human beings first , wives second. beginning of involvement in larger debate feminism occurring during time.

in 1802, holst published final work: on purpose of women’s advanced intellectual development (german: Über die bestimmung des weibes zur höhern geistesbildung).

death , afterward

holst passed away in groß-timkenberg on january 6th, 1829. memorialized in judy chicago’s installation art piece dinner party features triangular table 39 place settings, each commemorating important women in history. while not given place setting, name, along names of 998 other feminist icons, inscribed in gold on white tile floor below table.


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