The Buyers Great Grant Deed

profile of col richard henderson
some endure, , many fail,

some conquer, , many quail,

toiling on wilderness trail
richard henderson

wanted open country settlement. company organized louisa company in hillsboro north carolina on august 27, 1774. later, name changed transylvania company in january 1775.

the transylvania company in essence real estate syndicate. 9 members of syndicate investing private funds in venture listed several times in path grant deed , in great grant deed served template. individuals richard henderson, thomas hart, nathanial hart, william johnson, james hogg, john lutterell, john williams, david hart , leonard henley bullock. prominent north carolina property owners. these men partners noted in henderson & co covenants.

in late summer 1774 @ urging of daniel boone time right, judge richard henderson, accompanied daniel boone , colonel nathaniel hart , guided experienced indian-trader, thomas price, visited cherokee chieftains @ otari towns. purpose of visit begin negotiations on behalf of louisa company vast lands in kentucky.

as result of meeting, cherokee chief attacullaculla, young man , woman made journey cross creek, fayetteville north carolina view goods offered consideration sale. goods met approval of cherokee representatives. woman said pleased goods presented.


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