Political and Historical Detectives Yulian Semyonov bibliography

1 political , historical detectives

1.1 series dedicated state security apparatus (kgb)
1.2 “autobiographical series”
1.3 other political novels , stories
1.4 historical novels , stories

1.4.1 versions
1.4.2 novels felix dzerzhinsky

1.5 documentary , journalistic prose, travel prose
1.6 collected stories
1.7 plays

political , historical detectives
the series dedicated state security apparatus (kgb)

published 1987 john calder ltd. series novels united principal hero figure, state security colonel vitaly slavin.

“tass authorized announce” (1977, filmed in 1984) — novel runs soviet counter-espionage activities catching cia agent in moscow @ end of 1970s.
“international knot” (1986) — narrates colonel slavin confrontation foreign agent once connected oleg penkovsky.

“autobiographical series”

the works of series can united main hero figure, journalist dmitry stepanov. semyonov’s prevailing autobiographical character acting in several works of both “militia” , “kgb” series (“tass authorized announce”, “international knot”, “ogareva, 6”, “reporter”) , in numerous lyrical short stories (“the rain in rainwater pipes”, ‘it not yet autumn”, “leader” etc.)

moreover, journalist stepanov principal hero of following stories , novels:

“dunechka , nikita ” (1965) (the story filmed in 1966 in “not luckiest day” movie, complicated worldly situation, centre of appeared divorce of main hero;
“he killed me near luang-prabang ” (1970) (the story filmed in 1971 in “night @ fourteenth parallel” movie) —it story war in vietnam;
“press centre. anatomy of political crime” (1983) (the novel filmed in 1988 in “big game” movie)— putsch in imaginary country garivas;
“crossings” (1984) — story destiny of talented theatre director established own theatre;
“auction” (1985) (the novel filmed in 1986 in “face face” movie) — searches cultural values lost during war.

in works writer trusts alter- ego, journalist stepanov, social , philosophical meditations first-person perspective.

other political novels , stories

“outcome” (1966) — movie-essay baron ungern forces defeat in mongolia in last days of civil war. literary variant evidently differs namesake movie of 1968.
“sicilian capriccioso” (1978) — documentary story adventures of journalist in sicily. later author transferred story text new edition of “face face” in form of chapters dedicated mafia relations fascism.
“face face” (“the amber room quest”) (1983) — documentary story searches cultural values moved abroad russia during world war ii, carried out yulian semyonov , foreign friends.
“unwritten novels” (1990) — philippic narrative times , morals of stalin’s cult of personality, based on historical documents, eyewitnesses’ accounts , author’s personal experience.
“revelation” — thrilling “novelette in tv style” (author’s definition) international drug traffic penetration in soviet union in first years of perestroika. published in book “unknown yulian semyonov. revelation” (2008).
“commentary on skorzeny” — documentary autobiographical short story background of creating sketch “skorzeny — face face” (1974). intended chapter of “unwritten novels” second part. story published in book “unknown yulian semyonov. revelation” (2008).
“baron” — documentary short story y. semyonov’s , baron eduard von falz-fein’s activities in transportation remains of f.i. chaliapin russia in 1984, intended chapter of “unwritten novels” second part, published in book “unknown yulian semyonov. revelation” (2008).
“three translations of omar cabezas commentary” – documentary narrative trip nikaragua in 1985. background of meeting outstanding nicaraguan writer , political figure omar cabezas alternates extracts of prose, given y. semyonov. story published in book “unknown yulian semyonov. revelation” (2008).

historical novels , stories

“peter s death” (1982) — version regarding death of peter i.
“death of stolypin” (1983) — plot against pyotr stolypin.
“pseudonym” (1984) — epistolary novel tragic fate of o’henry.
“scientific commentary” (1985) — short story last days of vladimir mayakovsky, named “suicide” in first edition.
“guchkov syndrome” (1989) —about tragic circumstances led alexander guchkov suicidal attempt.

novels felix dzerzhinsky

“burning”, four-volume chronicle novel (1977 — 1987) (filmed in duology: “without distinguishing features” , “failure of ‘terror’ operation”, 1978—1980)about felix dzerzhinsky life.

book i. 1900 – 1904. (1977). magazine variant “dangerous special criminal”
book ii. 1905 – 1906. (1979).
book iii. 1907 – 1910 . (1987). magazine variant “irreconcilability”.
book iv. 1911 . (1987).

documentary , journalistic prose, travel prose

“chung kuo, ni hao!” (1959) — sketches china (for children). in co-authorship n.p. konchalovskaya.
“vietnam. laos. 1968” (1969) — sketch-book vietnam war , laos partisans.
“vietnamese diary” (1971) — vietnam war.
“route sp-15 – borneo” (1971) — travel sketches trip borneo.
“riding ‘goat’ after wolf” (1974) — sketches, diaries, notes.
“return fiesta” (1975) — sketches spain , italy.
“encounter” (1977) — political reports, stories, diaries.
“business trips report” (1986) — selection sketch , travel prose.

collected stories

“short stories” (1966).
“the rain in rainwater pipes” (1981)


beginning sixties writer worked lot theatre. many of works of genre put on stage in ussr, , later in russia, in cis countries.

“truth 9 roubles piece” (1961).
“children of fathers” (1962).
“go , don’t scared” (1963).
“petrovka, 38” (1964).
“highway ursa major” (1964).
“cipher blyukher” (1966).
“provocation” (1968).
“gropingly @ midday” (1969) — in co-authorship g. wainer.
“ogareva, 6” (1973).
“two faces of pierre-auguste de beaumarchais”.
“search-891. theatre journalism experience” (1981).
“summary” (1988) —censored, prohibited staged , lost.
“process-38” (1990).


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