Campaigning themes Fat acceptance movement

1 campaigning themes

1.1 discrimination
1.2 health
1.3 gender

1.3.1 fat women
1.3.2 fat men

1.4 legislation
1.5 fat studies

campaigning themes

the fat acceptance movement argues fat people targets of hatred , discrimination. in particular, obese women subjected more social pressure obese men. movement argues these attitudes comprise fat phobic entrenched societal norm, evident in many social institutions, including mass media; fat people ridiculed or held objects of pity. discrimination includes lack of equal access transportation , employment. members of fat acceptance movement perceive negative societal attitudes persistent, , being based on presumption fatness reflects negatively on person s character. fat activists continue strive change in societal, personal, , medical attitudes toward fat people. fat acceptance organisations engage in public education describe myths concerning fat people.


fat individuals experience weight-based discrimination in number of avenues within lives. discrimination experienced in healthcare, employment, education, interpersonal relationships, , in media. discrimination can impact both physical , psychological health of experiencing it.


fat activists argue anti-fat stigma , aggressive diet promotion have led increase in psychological , physiological problems among fat people. concerns raised modern culture s focus on weight loss may not have foundation in scientific research, instead example of using science means control deviance, part of society s attempt deal finds disturbing. diet critics cite high failure rate of permanent weight loss attempts, , dangers of yo-yo weight fluctuations , weight loss surgeries. fat activists argue health issues of obesity , being overweight have been exaggerated or misrepresented, , health issues used cover cultural , aesthetic prejudices against fat.

proponents of fat acceptance maintain people of shapes , sizes can strive fitness , physical health. believe health independent of body weight. informed approach, psychologists unhappy treatment of fat people in medical world initiated health @ every size movement. has 5 basic tenets: 1. enhancing health, 2. size , self-acceptance, 3. pleasure of eating well, 4. joy of movement, , 5. end weight bias.

however, consensus within scientific community obesity has negative impact on health of individual. numerous medical studies have challenged healthy obesity concept. 1 complicating factor in these studies definitions of metabolically-healthy obesity not standardized across studies.

fat women

documentary filmmaker kira nerusskaya released film bbw world: under fat! in 2008.

the issues faced fat women in society have been central theme of fat acceptance movement since inception. although first organisation, naafa, , first book, fat power (1970), both created men, in each case responses weight discrimination experienced wives. women started campaigning on own behalf first feminist group, fat underground , being formed in 1973. issues addressed regarding women have included body image, , in particular thin ideal , effect on women.

fat men

the fat acceptance movement has focused on feminist model of patriarchal oppression of fat women, represented encouragement of women diet. however, sander l. gilman argues that, until 20th century, dieting has historically been man s activity. continues, obesity eats away @ idealised image of masculine surely idealised image of feminine. william banting author of 1863 booklet called letter on corpulence modern diets have used model. men respond being overweight differently, (i.e., having body mass index of 25 or more), being half women diet, quarter undergo weightloss surgery , fifth report feeling shame weight. irmgard tischner identifies behaviour rooted in notions of masculinity require disregard healthcare: men not have care size or health, have women care things them .

some gay men have moved beyond disregard size fat acceptance , fat activism movements chub culture, started girth & mirth clubs in san francisco in 1976 , bear culture fetishises big, hairy men. ganapati durgadas argues fat bisexual , gay men reminders of feminine stigma heterosexism still tars queer men . in comparison of queer fat positive zines, lesbian-produced fat girl found have political debate content absent gay male orientated zines such bulk male , big ad. joel barraquiel tan comments: if fat feminist issue, fat or heft fetishised 1 gay men. gay men have tendency sexualise difference, lesbians have historically politicised it.

a fat heterosexual man known big handsome man , in counterpart big beautiful woman. fat , gay men, bhms have sexualized difference , receive validation of identity bbws or straight women known female fat admirers .


in 1980s fat people in united states began seeking legal redress discrimination on basis of weight, in workplace being denied access to, or treated differently in regards to, services or entertainment. results of these cases has varied considerably, although in instances americans disabilities act (ada) has been used argue cases of discrimination against fat people. roth , solovay argue that, transgender people, major cause variation in success extent litigants apologetic size:

what difference between million-dollar weight case award , losing case? difference between many winning , losing transgender cases, s attitude. claimant s attitude , experience weight/gender reinforce or challenge dominant stereotypes? winning cases adopt legal posture reinforces social prejudices. cases challenge societal prejudices lose.

the ada act continues used there no usa federal law against weight discrimination; however, state of michigan has passed law against weight discrimination. cities of washington d.c., san francisco (2000), santa cruz, binghamton, urbana (1990s) , madison (1970s) have passed laws prohibiting weight discrimination. in cities have weight discrimination law rare more 1 case year brought, except san francisco may have many 6. opinions amongst city enforcement workers vary why prosecution numbers low, although suggested both overweight people , employers unaware of protective legislation , noted cities weight discrimination laws tended liberal college towns.

however, not legal changes have protected rights of fat people. despite recommendations equal employment opportunity commission contrary, united states court of appeals sixth circuit has decided fat people qualify disabled if can proved weight caused underlying condition, supporting concept being obese not inherently disability.

other countries besides united states have considered legislation protect rights of fat people. in uk party parliamentary group published report in 2012 called reflections on body image found 1 in 5 british people had been victimised because of weight. report recommended members of parliament investigated putting appearance-based discrimination under same legal basis sexual or racial discrimination via equality act 2010 makes illegal harass, victimise or discriminate against on basis of number of named categories.

fat studies

there has been emerging body of academic studies fat activist agenda. marilyn wann argues fat studies moved beyond being individual endeavour being field of study 2004 conference fat attitudes: examination of american subculture , representation of female body american popular culture association regularly includes panels on subject. in number of colleges, student groups fat activist agenda have emerged, including hampshire, smith, , antioch. fat studies available interdisciplinary course of study @ colleges, taking similar approach other identity studies such women s studies, queer studies , african american studies. of 2011, there 2 australian courses , 10 american courses focussed on fat studies or on health @ every size, , numerous other courses had fat acceptance content. taylor & francis publish online fat studies journal. in uk, first national fat studies seminar held @ york in may 2008, leading 2009 publication fat studies in uk, edited corinna tomrley , ann kalosky naylor.


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