Organisation Institute for Research in Biomedicine

1 organisation

1.1 board of trustees
1.2 executive board
1.3 external advisory board (eab)


from board of trustees, executive board , external advisory board downwards, irb barcelona structured in 3 large areas:

research programmes

cell , developmental biology: gene expression analyses, developmental molecular biology, cell biology, functional genomics , proteomics of cell , embryo development, , tissue regeneration.
structural , computational biology: structural analysis of macromolecules , interactions using x-rays, nmr, electron microscopy, macromolecular biophysics, bioinformatics , molecular modeling.
molecular medicine: translational research molecular bases of metabolic , genetic diseases, study of diagnostic or therapeutic targets , functional genomics , proteomics of diseases.
chemistry , molecular pharmacology: design , synthesis of small molecules , macromolecules, emphasizing building of libraries , optimisation of production of synthetic compounds; development of biotechnologies molecular selection directed @ therapeutic targets , study of relationships between drugs , targets.
oncology: study of diverse aspects of tumour initiation , progression, relationship between stem cells , cancer, , identification of genetic programmes drive tissue-specific metastasis. networking major clinical oncology centres.

core facilities , services

advanced digital microscopy (adm) core facility: newly created facility committed providing complete range of light microscopy imaging services irb barcelona , pcb researchers , visiting scientists.
biostatistics / bioinformatics unit: mission conduct collaborative research , provide consultation , quantitative research resources irb barcelona research groups.
functional genomics core facility: provides state-of-the-art tools genomic research, including genome-wide expression profiling, dna copy number, , snp analysis.
mass spectrometry core facility: equipped high accuracy , high resolution mass spectrometers new incorporated ms techniques.
mouse mutant core facility: generates murine models of disease , development researchers @ irb barcelona , collaborators.
protein expression core facility: provides range of ‘high-throughput’ (htp) services local academic scientific community.

other scientific services @ irb barcelona:

drosophila injection service

researchers @ irb barcelona have access other services , facilities provided pcb, irb barcelona laboratories located, university of barcelona scientific , technical services, of located @ pcb, , finally, pcb biotechnology platforms.


board of trustees

the irb barcelona board of trustees governing body of institute , responsible overseeing research activities, approving operating funds , ensuring annual goals met. board composed of eleven members , chaired ministry of health of government of catalonia.

executive board

the main responsibilities of executive board oversee institute s management performance, monitor execution , progress of functions delegated board of trustees , promote scientific activities. executive board presided director general of research of government of catalonia.

external advisory board (eab)

the eab plays key role in providing strategic guidance , regularly assessing scientific work carried out irb barcelona researchers. board comprises 14 renowned experts in field of biomedicine.

as @ january 2012, eab includes following members: dr. dario alessi, university of dundee, dundee - uk; dr. michael czech, university of massachusetts boston, boston - usa; dr. josé elguero, consejo superior de investigaciones científicas (csic), madrid - spain; dr. samuel h. gellman, university of wisconsin, madison, wisconsin - usa; dr. david m. glover, university of cambridge,cambridge - uk; dr. andrew hamilton, oxford university, oxford - uk; dr. robert huber, max-planck-institut fuer biochemie, martinsried - germany; dr. tim hunt, imperial cancer research fund, london - uk; dr. luis f. parada, ph.d. ut southwestern medical center, dallas – usa; dr. dinshaw j. patel, memorial sloan-kettering cancer center, new york - usa; dr. gertrud schupbach, princeton university, princeton - usa; dr. charles j. sherr, howard hughes medical institute, tennessee - usa; dr. giulio superti-furga, cemm center molecular medicine of austrian academy of sciences, vienna - austria; dr. karen vousden, beatson institute cancer research, glasgow- uk


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