Aerial shooting Wolf hunting

an-2 on skis @ volosovo air field, moscow. 1 of used models in ussr s wolf management programmes

aerial shooting involves tracking of wolves via small airplane or helicopter , considered many effective method of wolf control. used in soviet union during wolf control campaigns, starting in 1946 when chief directorate of aviation received reports pilots flying @ low altitudes saw wolves. polikarpov po-2s , antonov an-2s used models. normal protocol pilot search frontally, , shooter sideways. 70%-80% of wolves first sighted pilot. rocket guns fired dense brush in order scare wolves out open. markers thrown @ site of each kill later collection. actual shooting done rear cockpit or left side when @ distance of 18–20 metres quarry. experienced shooter spot standing wolf kilometre away @ heights of 100–140 metres. wolves killed when planes flew @ speeds of 70 85 km/h. load limit of po-2 2 men , 5 adult wolves; rear cockpit hold 4 wolves, while shooter s cockpit hold 2, or carcasses tied fuselage or wings of plane. aerial hunting has been discontinued in former soviet union because of budget restraints. wolf hunting still practiced way in u.s state of alaska. congress passed federal airborne hunting act of 1972, made illegal hunters shoot animals plane or helicopter. federal legislation have [provision] predator control, permitting state employees or licensed individuals shoot aircraft sake of protecting land, water, wildlife, livestock, domesticated animals, human life, or crops .


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