The nature of the land Great Grant Deed

1 nature of land

1.1 lay of land, watauga treaties grants
1.2 great grant parcels clause description of lands.
1.3 great grant map

the nature of land
the lay of land, watauga treaties grants

an understanding of lands conveyed helpful develop understanding of events , transactions @ sycamore shoals. group of north carolinians led richard henderson hillsboro, orange county sensed opportunity development of lands in far west, of become kentucky. group intent on obtaining great grant or lands of kentucky provided impetus other 4 land transactions concluded @ sycamore shoals in march 1775. concept of watauga treaty lands not based on political boundaries drawn on map , easy understand. out west, beyond high appalachian mountain barrier, there no political boundaries. owners of lands, cherokee , others had no maps nor lines.

the concept of territories defined geographical features identified , known in considerable detail all. features mountains, ridges , waterways, of drainage, watersheds. great grant or transylvania colony part defined rivers, vast land area contained within kentucky, cumberland, tennessee , ohio rivers. kentucky geological survey map of 1889 indicates geographical features controlling westward travel beyond appalachian chain barrier. long low mountains draining rivers , valleys , intervening gaps forced travel direction. same features basis describing great grant , path grant boundaries.

the cumberland river lands diverge kentucky river lands along crest of cumberland mountain. rivers diverge contain extensive lands of central kentucky. although separated few 4 or 5 miles @ sources on cumberland mountain, cumberland , kentucky river mouths diverge crow flies by, 214 miles, between points empty ohio river. broad river bottom land rich soil suitable clearing , farming desired new settlers. vast potential of central kentucky desired richard henderson & co. long river valleys provided relatively traversed pathways permitted entry , travel within vast new territories.

the great grant parcels clause description of lands.

although there 9 original signed copies of great grant indenture, none known have survived. 1 thomas price, last of 9 witnesses sign path grant deposed virginia convention, 1776–77 , provided convention wording of parcels clause of both great grant , path grant indentures.  path grant. wikisource.  virginia convention assembled nullify transylvania colony , determine how richard henderson , company should compensated efforts. thomas price “a noted indian trader” accompanied richard henderson on visit cherokee town of otari begin negotiations. deposition provided first hand independent testimony on took place.

the text of great grant parcels clause follows:

the great grant shown between cumberland, ohio, , kentucky rivers. blue line cumberland river extended great grant area. grant extends below blue line , across cumberland mountain powell river valley. great grant line contiguous path grant line along length of powell mountain.

“. . . tract, territory or parcel of land, situated lying & being in north america, on ohio river, 1 of eastern branches of mississippi river beginning on said ohio river @ mouth of kentucky, chenosa or english called louisa river, thence running said river , northwardly fork of same head of spring thereof, thence south east top of ridge of powells mountain thence westwardly along ridge of said mountain unto point northwest course hit or strike head spring of southwardly branch of cumberland river thence down said river waters ohio river thence said river meanders beginning . . .”

although there no known copy of great grant indenture, there surviving copy of companion path grant deed recorded twenty years later on november 15, 1794 registrar of hawkins county tennessee. deed signed 3 cherokee chiefs, interpreter crown joseph von titled linquester, , 9 witnesses, 1 of whom thomas price.

it can assumed except parcels clause, great grant indenture document , path grant indenture document identical. assumption not unreasonable because exception of parcels clause, recital clause, purchasers, various 9 tenants in common, cherokee chiefs , deed structural elemental clauses same.

all language structure of both parcels clauses similar , in phrases identical. telling though inclusion of consideration. path grant provides consideration “of sum of ten thousand pounds lawful money of great britton”. consideration great grant universally said ten thousand pounds , clarified statement in money or goods. provides of dilemma supports identical nature of both indentures. history repeatedly records valuation of watauga treaty land sales ten thousand pounds. true , not twenty thousand pounds, ten thousand pounds of great grant , ten thousand pounds of path grant must 1 , same.

the great grant map

the description of lands between cumberland , kentucky rivers above known , used map makers illustrate great grant lands.

“during year {1767} john findley fearless indian trader north carolina accompanied several comrades visited west passing through upper east tennessee cumberland gap continued explorations kentucky river” others, including daniel boone followed. transylvania lands known , demarcation accurate.

the map nikater depicted on internet correctly indicates land contained between rivers great grant. map, however, fails include large boundary lies south , permits passage land bounded rivers via important cumberland gap. land in question within great grant has common boundary lands described in path grant deed lies along crest of powell’s mountain.

the lines mouth of kentucky river empties ohio river @ carrollton, along kentucky river , it’s north fork point on cumberland mountain. point source spring of river. @ payne gap, south east of jenkins . line drawn south east point on powell mountain @ corner path grant @ lochaber treaty line. line contiguous path grant powell mountain line corner @ southwesterly end of powell mountain. great grant line extends path grant south west line northerly spot on cumberland mountain west of cumberland gap. point drainage northerly cumberland river. large creek flows base of mountain in middlesboro northward cumberland river near east pineville. after joining, line follows cumberland river until reaches mouth @ paducah , joins ohio river. line follows ohio river upstream beginning @ carrollton.


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