Annenberg Challenge Chicago Annenberg Challenge

1 annenberg challenge

1.1 beginnings

1.1.1 board of directors
1.1.2 chicago school reform collaborative
1.1.3 executive director , staff

1.2 operation
1.3 chicago public education fund
1.4 evaluation

annenberg challenge

in 1990s, billionaire walter annenberg, former ambassador united kingdom under president richard nixon, united states generous living philanthropist. 1998, annenberg had given away more $2 billion , assets of annenberg foundation had established in june 1989 $1 billion had grown $3 billion , ranked 12th largest in u.s. every weekday may through november, annenberg driven home in wynnewood, pennsylvania annenberg foundation headquarters in st. davids, pennsylvania, where, sole director, reserved virtually every decision himself when making grants.

in june 1993, annenberg announced making largest individual gift private education in history—$365 million 4 schools: $120 million each communication programs @ university of pennsylvania , university of southern california, $25 million harvard college, , $100 million alma mater, peddie school in hightstown, new jersey.

in october 1993, annenberg announced unrestricted $25 million gift northwestern university bringing total donations northwestern $55 million, last major gift higher education 5 years shifted focus of philanthropy public k–12 education.

annenberg told newton minow, senior counsel of sidley & austin, chairman of carnegie corporation (1993–1997), annenberg professor of communications law , policy @ northwestern university (1987–2003) , director of annenberg washington program (1987–1996): around world wants send kids our universities. south america, asia, europe, of them. nobody wants send kids here public school. would, in big city? nobody. ve got something. if don t, our civilization collapse.

annenberg sought recommendations on making large gift american public schools pro bono education advisors:

on december 17, 1993, 85-year-old annenberg announced five-year $500 million challenge nation @ ceremony in roosevelt room of white house president bill clinton, secretary of education richard riley, gregorian, sizer, kearns, , frank newman, illinois governor jim edgar , colorado governor roy romer (the president, outgoing , incoming chairman, respectively, of denver-based bipartisan education commission of states (ecs).

annenberg announced giving $113 million on 5 years 3 national school reform organizations:

the remaining $387 million for: school reform in largest urban school systems, attended third of 47 million public school students in u.s.; school reform in rural schools make quarter of public schools, attended 1 in 8 public school students in u.s.; , arts education.

annenberg delegated how spend $387 million closest professional friend, vartan gregorian, whom had known twenty years—since gregorian s tenure @ university of pennsylvania annenberg trustee , largest donor. annenberg called gregorian: best all-around executive know. man of great character , absolute integrity. outstanding human being know. gregorian oversaw involved in challenge , ensured nonpartisan. reflecting annenberg s vision of challenge catalyst—not yardstick—he did not require gregorian meet specific benchmarks, such dispensing funds on basis of schools raising reading or math scores percentage points.

gregorian recruited university presidents , business leaders assemble civic teams in various cities pursue challenge grants, , awarded grants 18 locally designed projects:

nine grants awarded major urban areas. these awards included matching grants ranging in size $10 million $53 million: new york city , los angeles in 1994; chicago, philadelphia , san francisco bay area in 1995; south florida, boston , detroit in 1996; , houston in 1997.

five smaller special opportunity grants ranging $1 million $4 million awarded atlanta, chattanooga, chelsea, salt lake city, , west baltimore.
$50 million awarded set national rural challenge involved on 700 schools across u.s.
three arts education grants ranging $3 million $12 million awarded new york city, minneapolis, , national arts education program.


the 3 co-authors of chicago s winning annenberg challenge $49.2 million grant proposal were:

on december 17, 1993, ayers, hallet , chapman met discuss how win annenberg challenge grant chicago. hallett , chapman informal pro bono advisors national annenberg challenge, , on course of following year met repeatedly @ brown university other annenberg advisors , worked ensure chicago 1 of first cities selected receive grant.

in chicago, ayers, hallett , chapman gathered 73-member chicago school reform collaborative working group organizations involved in school reform them draft proposal, hallett s cross-city campaign urban school reform donating headquarters , providing staff support working group. in june 1994, ayers , hallett submitted draft proposal gregorian on behalf of working group.

the presidents of 3 largest independent foundations active in chicago school reform:

supported working group s proposal, helped negotiate approval gregorian, agreed in advance provide matching funds, , smoothed negotiations chicago mayor daley s administration, chicago public schools administration , chicago teachers union, had each submitted competing annenberg challenge grant proposals. in november 1994, ayers , hallett submitted final proposal gregorian on behalf of working group.

on january 23, 1995, in ceremony attended mayor daley, governor edgar, , other dignitaries @ washington irving elementary school (where 1988 school reform act had been signed), walter annenberg s daughter, wallis annenberg, presented symbolic $49.2 million check annenberg foundation 11-year-old amanda morado, accepted on behalf of 410,000 chicago public school children. $49.2 million challenge grant on 5 years (a planned $3 million first year, $11.55 million per year next 4 years) contingent on being matched 2-to-1 $49.2 million in private donations , $49.2 million in public money. in recognition of preexisting strong support local foundations—which spending more $12 million per year on chicago school reform (including $4 million per year macarthur foundation , $3 million per year joyce foundation)—the annenberg foundation agreed chicago annenberg challenge draw upon existing commitments source of matching funds. public match come public funds committed implementation of 1988 school reform law, including of $261 million per year state chapter 1 antipoverty funds provided chicago public schools (an average of $500,000 per elementary school , average of $800,000 per high school).

supplemental educational programs provided local , national school reform groups working networks of schools expanded in chicago in 6 years after 1988 school reform act devolved state chapter 1 antipoverty discretionary funding chicago public schools administration down individual schools, , foundations increased school reform funding $2 million per year on $12 million per year. these programs provided existing groups working networks of schools became models chicago annenberg challenge s grants go external partners—such coalition of essential schools or algebra project—working networks of 5 10 schools, opposed going system-wide initiatives or going directly individual schools. external partner school reform group teachers union community organization university local business.

an 8-member board of directors made of representatives of organizations had no vested interest in annenberg money recruited approve grants, hire executive director , project staff, , determine funds count towards required $98.4 million match. board of directors handpicked adele smith simmons, president of john d. , catherine t. macarthur foundation, asked gregorian work foundation leadership create board diverse, including people community, business interests , civic leaders, , include no more 9 people.

at meeting simmons , patricia albjerg graham, deborah leff suggested barack obama make board chairman. after meeting , being impressed obama, graham told obama wanted him chairman of board of directors. obama said agree serve chairman if graham vice chairman, graham agreed.

a 23-member group of chicago parents, teachers, activists, funders, administrators, local school council members , academics involved in school reform, called chicago school reform collaborative, chosen design initial request proposals (rfps), publicize challenge , hold informational sessions potential grantees, screen , rate initial letters of intent, aid board of directors in selecting executive director, , work project s staff. twenty of 23 members of collaborative elected working group members had attended 2 or more of drafting sessions during first ten months of 1994 winning $49.2 million grant proposal; other 3 members of collaborative appointed representatives of office of mayor, chicago public schools administration, , chicago teachers union.

on june 22, 1995, chicago annenberg challenge announced members of board of directors , chicago school reform collaborative , said rfps had been sent 550 chicago public schools , numerous community agencies. two-page letters of intent schools due august 1; august 23, schools receive letter either asking them apply next year or inviting them meeting further details on how prepare proposal funding year, proposals due october 1, , grants announced december 4.

board of directors

the founding board of directors of chicago annenberg challenge announced in 1995 were:

the final board of directors of chicago annenberg challenge in 2001 were:

the board of directors met monthly first 6 months , quarterly thereafter.

barack obama, elected board of directors founding chairman , president of chicago annenberg challenge (1995–1999), resigned chairman , president in september 1999 run candidate in 2000 democratic primary 1st congressional district of illinois, , succeeded edward bottum (1999–2001).

patricia albjerg graham, elected board of directors founding vice chairman , vice president (1995–2000), resigned vice chairman , vice president in 2000 when retired president of spencer foundation , moved cambridge, massachusetts, succeeded john w. mccarter, jr. (2000–2001).

ray romero elected secretary-treasurer board of directors, declined because of other commitments; wanda white elected board of directors founding secretary-treasurer (1995–1998), succeeded edward bottum (1998–1999), , victoria chou (1999–2001).

chicago school reform collaborative

the founding members of chicago school reform collaborative announced in 1995 were:

william ayers , warren chapman elected collaborative co-chairmen of collaborative in 1995.

executive director , staff

ken rolling, executive director of chicago annenberg challenge september 1995 through 2001; executive director of parents public schools (2003– ); former associate director , program officer community organizing , school reform @ woods fund of chicago (1985–1995). in september 1995, office administrator hired. in august 1996, program director, grants manager , financial officer hired. in 1997, director of development, communications director, communications assistant, clerical assistant , data manager hired, bringing rolling s staff nine. university of illinois @ chicago provided office space rent-free chicago annenberg challenge staff.


by august 1, 1995, letters of intent received 177 networks—representing two-thirds of chicago public schools—of 89 networks invited board submit full proposals. 77 networks—representing 300 schools—submitted proposals (32 implementation grants , 45 planning grants) october 1 deadline. on november 29, board approved grants 35 networks—representing 170 schools—and identified , certified on $9 million in matching private donations enabled chicago annenberg challenge receive first $3 million annenberg foundation in december 1995.

at december 20, 1995 reception @ first chicago national bank, chicago annenberg challenge presented $2.58 million in grant certificates first 35 networks winning grants. one-year renewable grants of $100,000 $200,000 awarded 13 networks expand existing programs , 22 other networks received planning grants of $17,000 $25,000.

the number of implementation networks grew 13 @ beginning of 1996, 25 in 1996–7 school year, 45 in 1999. number of schools in network ranged 3 15, average network having 4 5 schools.

in 1996-7, half of external partners universities or professional education organizations (e.g., chicago state university, columbia college chicago, depaul university, erikson institute, governors state university, national-louis university, northeastern illinois university, roosevelt university, university of chicago). other external partners represented diverse mix of neighborhood organizations (e.g., logan square neighborhood association), youth organizations (e.g., youth guidance—implementing comer process), foundations (e.g., great books foundation), education reform or advocacy groups (e.g., designs change), museums (e.g., chicago academy of sciences, chicago children s museum, kohl children s museum), parks (e.g., garfield park conservatory , arts organizations (e.g., chicago symphony orchestra, suzuki-orff school of music implementation of clap, sing , read!, teaching literacy-through-music in chicago s underserved communities). of external partners in 45 networks funded in 1999: 35% chicago-area colleges , universities, 28% education reform , education services organizations, 23% arts , cultural institutions, , 14% neighborhood , community-based organizations.

the chicago annenberg challenge received $49.2 million grant annenberg foundation on 5 calendar years 1995 through 1999, funded grants networks of schools 5 , half years january 1996 through june 2001. total funding of implementation grants networks of schools fell steeply in 2000 , 2001, , since number of schools in networks receiving implementation grants remained steady @ 206 schools, per school funding fell steeply.

the exceptions 18 breakthrough schools chicago annenberg challenge identified receive sustained funding during last 2 years further promote improvement , encourage them serve models , sources of support other schools. breakthrough schools selected in december 1999 , announced public in february 2000, received grants directly, not through external partner part of network of schools.

the number of schools in networks receiving chicago annenberg challenge implementation grants rose 138 in 1996, 177 in 1997, peak of 211 in 1998, , plateaued @ 206 in 1999, 2000 , 2001.
the total annual amount of chicago annenberg challenge funds provided in implementation grants networks of schools rose $2.1 million in 1996, $6.8 million in 1997, $7.8 million in 1988, peak of $9.6 million in 1999, , fell $5.9 million in 2000 , $0.5 million in 2001.
the average annual amount per school of chicago annenberg challenge funds provided in implementation grants networks of schools rose $15,000 in 1996, $38,000 in 1997, $37,000 in 1998, peak of $47,000 in 1999, , fell $29,000 in 2000 , $3,000 in 2001—except in 18 breakthrough schools annual funding per school stayed @ $50,000 in 2000 , 2001.

by december 31, 1999, chicago annenberg challenge had identified , certified $110,643,651 in matching funds—$50,655,505 in public matching funds , $59,808,146 in private donations—more $98.4 million required earn $49.2 million grant annenberg foundation. less $5 million in matching funds went or through chicago annenberg challenge, of matching funds instead went support school reform programs consistent vision , funding criteria.

thirty-six foundations , corporations provided private matching funds chicago annenberg challenge, foundations providing on three-quarters of private donations. ten foundations, john d. , catherine t. macarthur foundation, joyce foundation, polk bros. foundation, chicago community trust, spencer foundation, dewitt wallace-reader s digest fund of new york, mcdougal family foundation, lloyd a. fry foundation, prince charitable trusts, , woods fund of chicago, , 2 corporations, ibm , bank of america (which had acquired continental illinois bank in 1994), contributed more $1 million each in private matching donations chicago annenberg challenge. macarthur foundation , joyce foundation 2 of 7 foundations contributed on $10 million in private matching donations annenberg challenge nationwide, , polk bros. foundation—led president , ceo sandra polk guthman, former ibm executive, 1 of further 8 foundations contributed on $5 million in private matching donations annenberg challenge nationwide.

the chicago annenberg challenge raised $3.5 million in research funds support largest urban school reform research project in united states, chicago annenberg challenge research project consortium on chicago school research (ccsr). ccsr created in 1990 perform research on chicago public schools in wake of 1988 chicago school reform act.

chicago public education fund

in 1997, chicago annenberg challenge board of directors , fundraising development committee began development of chicago s first community foundation public education. in june 1998, board of directors committed $2 million first donor chicago public education fund, incorporated non-profit organization on january 29, 1999. chicago tribune charities became second lead donor commitment of $500,000, substantial gifts pritzker foundation , polk bros. foundation , number of smaller donations boosting funds $4 million march 2000. in september 1999, chicago public education fund hired first president, janet m. knupp, executive director of chicago communities in schools (where successor of founding executive director alice palmer); , in fall of 1999 issued first rfps.

the chicago public education fund , first grants of $1.5 million announced public on march 28, 2000; 12-member board of directors chaired cac board member scott c. smith, president, ceo , publisher of chicago tribune , chairman of chicago tribune charities, , included cac board member john w. mccarter, jr., anne hallett, adele smith simmons, penny pritzker, golden apple foundation founder , chairman martin j. koldyke, , 6 other members; supplemental advisory leadership council of dozens of business , civic leaders, including cac board members barack obama, edward s. bottum, susan blankenbaker noyes, james reynolds, jr., nancy s. searle, , cac executive director ken rolling.

although chicago public education fund grew out of chicago annenberg challenge, differed in having broad base of contributors instead of 1 contributor, , in making fewer, larger, system-wide grants instead of many smaller grants small networks of schools. initial focus of chicago public education fund on improving recruitment, retention , effectiveness of principals , teachers, with:

the launch program, led chicago principals & administrators association (cpaa), develop management , leadership skills of principals through rigorous program including summer sessions @ kellogg school of management of northwestern university.
national board certification, provide rigorous , consistent standard assessing , rewarding experienced , accomplished teachers; chicago public schools, chicago teachers union, chicago principals & administrators association, , national-louis university working increase number of chicago teachers certification.
alternative certification, attract talented individuals in math, science, , other fields public education:

the golden apple foundation s gate program, bring mid-career math , science professionals classroom.
teach america, recruit talented college graduates of neediest schools.
the financial research , advisory committee s (frac) teacher recruitment initiative, assess quality of teachers recruited system.

upon dissolution in 2002, cac donated records (132 boxes containing 947 file folders) richard j. daley library @ university of illinois @ chicago made available public research. cac records in special collections department of daley library briefly closed public access 2 weeks august 12, 2008 through august 25, 2008 on concerns university ownership of records , confidentiality of of information in records.


the annenberg challenge criticized outset in 1994 , 1995 conservative proponents of vouchers private schools, including james pierson, executive director of john m. olin foundation, chester e. finn, jr., former assistant secretary of education (1985–1988) under secretary of education william bennett in reagan administration, founding partner , senior scholar of chris whittle s edison project new chain of for-profit private schools (1992–1994), john m. olin fellow @ hudson institute (1995–1998), , diane ravitch, former assistant secretary of education (1991–1993) under secretary of education lamar alexander in george h. w. bush administration, senior research scholar @ new york university, nonresident senior fellow @ brookings institution, adjunct fellow @ manhattan institute, , co-founder finn in 1981 of education excellence network housed @ hudson institute.

annenberg ignored criticism conservatives wasting money on public schools—he believed government had responsibility educate citizens , nation not walk away public schools. annenberg ignored criticism within education , philanthropic worlds after 5 years challenge had not produced measurable reform—he hoped come of gift, realistic , doubted ever see concrete, measurable results. annenberg not point—his goal spur communities , other donors action—and in not disappointed, challenge raising additional $600 million foundations, businesses, universities , individuals.

on june 12, 2002, annenberg foundation released final report on annenberg challenge press , audience of education leaders , policymakers @ luncheon in washington d.c., few blocks white house, annenberg s wife, leonore, on hand represent 94-year-old husband. keynote speaker george w. bush administration s secretary of education rod paige, had been houston superintendent of schools (1994–2001); in 1997, houston had become last of 9 cities win large urban annenberg challenge grant on 5 years. paige said had witnessed came annenberg s gift , had no doubts annenberg challenge s accomplishments. june 2002 final report listed 9 lessons learned on course of annenberg challenge. first 2 were:

lesson 1: every child benefits high expectations , standards.

in chicago, challenge sought out racially isolated , impoverished schools, elementary students challenge worked went half-grade behind city average quarter-grade ahead of peers in other schools.

lesson 2: large gifts ours no substitute adequate, equitable , reliable funding.

although challenge made multimillion-dollar grants, every site reached out hundreds of schools. in chicago, challenge helped more 300 schools, typical grant $39,000 elementary school annual budget of $3.8 million.

an august 2003 final technical report of chicago annenberg research project consortium on chicago school research said while student achievement improved across annenberg challenge schools did across chicago public school system whole, results suggest among schools supported, challenge had little impact on school improvement , student outcomes, no statistically significant differences between annenberg , non-annenberg schools in rates of achievement gain, classroom behavior, student self-efficacy, , social competence. breakthrough schools, received special financial , professional support challenge between 1999–2001, time during challenge began withdrawing funds other schools, began develop in ways distinguished them other annenberg schools , sustained or strengthened aspects of teacher professional community school leadership, , relational trust while other annenberg schools did not.


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