History Zytglogge

bern in 1638 3 medieval guard towers, left right: christoffelturm, käfigturm, zytglogge. (see full map)

when built around 1218–20, zytglogge served gate tower of bern s western fortifications. these erected after city s first westward expansion following de facto independence empire. @ time, zytglogge squat building of 16 metres (52 ft) in height. when rapid growth of city , further expansion of fortifications (up käfigturm) relegated tower second-line status @ around 1270–75, heightened 7 metres (23 ft) overlook surrounding houses.

only after city s western defences extended again in 1344–46 now-destroyed christoffelturm, zytglogge converted women s prison, notably housing pfaffendirnen – priests whores , women convicted of sexual relations clerics. @ time, zytglogge received first slanted roof.

the zytglogge shown on 1542 glass painting.

in great fire of 1405, tower burnt out completely. suffered severe structural damage required thorough repairs, not complete until after last restoration in 1983. prison cells abandoned , clock first installed above gate in 15th century, including simple astronomical clock , musical mechanism. clock, great bell cast in 1405, gave zytglogge name, in bernese german means time bell .

in late 15th century, zytglogge , other bernese gate towers extended , decorated after burgundian romantic fashion. zytglogge received new lantern (including metal bellman visible today), 4 decorative corner towerlets, heraldic decorations , stair tower. astronomical clock extended current state. in 1527–30, clockwork rebuilt kaspar brunner, , gateway overarched provide secure foundation heavy machinery.

the zytglogge s west façade in 1830, after 1770 restructuring.

the zytglogge s exterior repainted gotthard ringgli , kaspar haldenstein in 1607–10, introduced large clock faces dominate east , west façades of tower. corner towerlets removed again time before 1603. in 1770–71, zytglogge renovated niklaus hebler , ludwig emanuel zehnder, refurbished structure in order suit tastes of late baroque, giving tower contemporary outline.

both façades again repainted in rococo style rudolf von steiger in 1890. idealising historicism of design came disliked in 20th century, , 1929 competition produced façade designs visible today: on west façade, victor surbek s fresco beginning of time , on east façade, reconstruction of 1770 design kurt indermühle. in 1981–83, zytglogge thoroughly renovated again , restored 1770 appearance. in advent season , easter until end of october, illuminated after dusk.


the bernese german zytglogge translates zeitglocke in standard german , time bell in english; glocke means bell in german, in related term glockenspiel . time bell 1 of earliest public timekeeping devices, consisting of clockwork connected hammer rang small bell @ full hour. such device installed in wendelstein in bern – tower of leutkirche church münster later replaced – in 1383 @ latest; alerted bell-ringer ring tower bells.

the name of zytglogge first recorded in 1413. previously, tower referred kebie ( cage , i.e., prison) , after post-1405 reconstruction, nüwer turm ( new tower ).


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