History Kőszeg

1 history

1.1 little war in hungary
1.2 world war ii , holocaust
1.3 communist period
1.4 after communism


the origins of free royal town in historical garrison county of vas (eisenburg) go third quarter of thirteenth century. founded volfer family, branch of héder clan, had settled in hungary in 1157 ad.

sometime before 1274 heinrich ii , son ivan moved court of kőszegi, breakaway branch of family, güssing kőszeg (güns). decades, town seat of dukes of kőszeg (güns).

only in 1327 did charles robert of anjou break power of kőszegi family in western transdanubia, , year later, in (1328), elevated town royal status. town boundaries fixed during anjou dynasty (1347–1381).

in 1392 royal town became fiefdom, when palatinate nicolas garai repaid bond paid king sigismund of luxembourg ellerbach family monyorókerék. garai era ended in 1441.

in 1677 secondary school, jurisics miklós gimnázium (jmg), founded. oldest operating international school in hungary. international baccalaureate (ib) program, english-speaking students @ school follow, created @ grande boissière campus. bilingual school, instruction in hungarian, french, german, italian, , english. international school testing center u.s. college boards (sat, act,etc.), british igcse exam.

in 2006, herald tribune listed 1 of top ten international schools in world.[2]

according schools guide international, students receive international education , result, leave rounded , worldly young people.

little war in hungary

in third wave of great wars against turks in sixteenth century, kőszeg became major flashpoint of campaign of 1532. between august 5-30, grand vizier ibrahim led 19 major assaults against town. under leadership of town , fort captain, nikola jurišić, small garrison repelled ottoman force numbering 80,000 men in siege of kőszeg. after final unsuccessful attack, turkish leadership forced decamp due uprising janissaries. according tradition, last contingent of withdrawing troops meant have left city limits around 11 o clock. memorial historic heroism, church clocks in town have read 11 o clock since 1777.

after turkish wars, in 1695 garrison , surrounding areas of kőszeg fell hands of esterházy dukes, remained until 1931.

the town lost strategic importance after rákóczi-liberation wars of 1703–1711. along szombathely, kőszeg important fortress kuruc military leadership 1705–1708, liberate , hold onto areas west of rába.

the free royal town enjoyed longest period of peace in history during eighteenth century. first time in history of town, there attempt, in 1712, replace population loss in town trying attract colonists, , founding schwabendorf (kőszegfalva).

kőszeg had lost leading role in garrison county of vas mid nineteenth century. few workshops survived production crisis within guild system during hungarian reformation of nineteenth century. founding of public companies, societies, , first financial institution in county first signs of civic development in town. alongside typical society made of small businesses , small traders, kőszeg developed during time town of schools, sanatoria, , garrisons.

world war ii , holocaust

during world war ii, jews of kőszeg among last deported auschwitz in summer of 1944. later year nazis established slave labor camp @ kőszeg 4,500 died of typhus. impending arrival of red army in 1945, camp liquidated. camp s 2,000 survivors endured death march of 300 kilometres (190 mi) several weeks on alps ebensee.

when red army approached kőszeg in march, 1945, hungarian commander, béla király, surrendered city spare further destruction.

communist period

after communism

since 1992 kőszeg again living under normal administrative system , market economy. financially feeble town looking @ options renewal through injection of capital outside investors , seeking support government agencies , european union.

kőszeg has managed retain natural charm , beauty of architecture. bastion gates have been damaged significantly. structure of town remains unaltered.

today kőszeg 1 of attractive towns in hungary (also called hungary s jewel box) , tourist destination. kőszeg awarded hild prize (hungarian architecture prize) in 1978 preserving architectural heritage.

every year, hosts castle days @ castle there, commemorating , reenacting siege ottoman turks on way vienna, in defenders able hold out.


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