Disease association HLA-DQB1

1 disease association

1.1 diabetes
1.2 celiac disease
1.3 multiple sclerosis
1.4 narcolepsy

disease association

several alleles of hla-dqb1 associated increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes. locus has genetic name iddm1 highest genetic risk type 1 diabetes. again dqb1*0201 , dqb1*0302 alleles, particularly phenotype dqb1*0201/*0302 has high risk of late onset type 1 diabetes. risk partially shared hla-dr locus (dr3 , dr4 serotypes).

celiac disease

celiac1 genetic name dqb1, hla dqb1*0201, *0202, , *0302 encode genes mediate autoimmune coeliac disease. homozygotes of dqb1*0201 have higher risk of developing celiac disease, relative other genetic locus.

multiple sclerosis

certain hla-dqb1 alleles linked modest increased risk of multiple sclerosis.


other hla-dqb1 alleles associated predisposition narcolepsy, hla-dqb1*0602, carried on 90% of patients narcolepsy-cataplexy.


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