Pragmatism Philosophy of education

1 pragmatism

1.1 john dewey
1.2 william james
1.3 william heard kilpatrick
1.4 nel noddings
1.5 richard rorty

john dewey

date: 1859–1952

john dewey in 1902.

in democracy , education: introduction philosophy of education, dewey stated education, in broadest sense, means of social continuity of life given primary ineluctable facts of birth , death of each 1 of constituent members in social group . education therefore necessity, life of group goes on. dewey proponent of educational progressivism , relentless campaigner reform of education, pointing out authoritarian, strict, pre-ordained knowledge approach of modern traditional education concerned delivering knowledge, , not enough understanding students actual experiences.

william james

date: 1842–1910

william heard kilpatrick

date: 1871–1965

william heard kilpatrick american philosopher of education , colleague , successor of john dewey. major figure in progressive education movement of 20th century. kilpatrick developed project method childhood education, form of progressive education organized curriculum , classroom activities around subject s central theme. believed role of teacher should of guide opposed authoritarian figure. kilpatrick believed children should direct own learning according interests , should allowed explore environment, experiencing learning through natural senses. proponents of progressive education , project method reject traditional schooling focuses on memorization, rote learning, strictly organized classrooms (desks in rows; students seated), , typical forms of assessment.

nel noddings

date: 1929–

noddings first sole-authored book caring: feminine approach ethics , moral education (1984) followed close on 1982 publication of carol gilligan’s ground-breaking work in ethics of care in different voice. while work on ethics continued, publication of women , evil (1989) , later works on moral education, of later publications have been on philosophy of education , educational theory. significant works in these areas have been educating intelligent belief or unbelief (1993) , philosophy of education (1995).

richard rorty

date: 1931–2007


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