Motor torpedo craft Torpedo boat

destroyers of harwich force in wwi

before world war steam torpedo boats larger , more heavily armed hitherto being used. new internal combustion engine generated more power given weight , size steam engines, , allowed development of new class of small , fast boats. these powerful engines make use of planing hull designs , capable of higher speed of 30 50 knots (56 93 km/h) under appropriate sea conditions displacement hulls. boat carry 2 4 torpedoes fired simple fixed launchers , several machine guns.

during first world war, 3 junior officers of harwich destroyer force suggested small motor boats carrying torpedo might capable of travelling on protective minefields , attacking ships of imperial german navy @ anchor in bases. in 1915, admiralty produced staff requirement requesting designs coastal motor boat service in north sea. these boats expected have high speed, making use of lightweight , powerful petrol engines available. speed of boat when loaded @ least 30 knots (56 km/h) , sufficient fuel carried give considerable radius of action.

they armed in variety of ways, torpedoes, depth charges or laying mines. secondary armament have been provided light machine guns, such lewis gun. cmbs designed thornycroft, had experience in small fast boats. engines not proper maritime internal combustion engines (as these in short supply) adapted aircraft engines firms such sunbeam , napier. total of 39 such vessels built.

in 1917 thornycroft produced enlarged 60-foot (18 m) overall version. allowed heavier payload, , 2 torpedoes carried. mixed warload of single torpedo , 4 depth charges carried, depth charges released individual cradles on sides, rather stern ramp. speeds 35–41 knots (40–47 mph; 65–76 km/h) possible, depending on various petrol engines fitted. @ least 2 unexplained losses due fires in port thought have been caused build-up of petrol vapour igniting.

admiralty chart of channel dash, when german destroyers defended german flotilla against royal navy motor torpedo craft

italian torpedo boats sank austrian-hungarian sms wien in 1917, , sms szent istván in 1918. during civil war in russia, british torpedo boats made raid on kronstadt harbour damaging 2 battleships , sinking cruiser.

such vessels remained useful through world war ii. royal navy s motor torpedo boats (mtbs), kriegsmarine s-boote (schnellboot or fast-boat : british termed them e-boats), (italian) m.a.s. , m.s., soviet navy g-5 , u.s. pt boats (standing patrol torpedo) of type.

a classic fast torpedo boat action channel dash in february 1942 when german e-boats , destroyers defended flotilla of scharnhorst, gneisenau, prinz eugen , several smaller ships against royal navy mtbs.

by world war ii torpedo boats hampered higher fleet speeds; although still had speed advantage, catch larger ships running @ high speeds on short distances, demonstrated in channel dash. greater threat widespread arrival of patrol aircraft, hunt down torpedo boats long before engage targets.

during world war ii united states naval forces employed fast wooden pt boats in south pacific in number of roles in addition envisioned 1 of torpedo attack. pt boats performed reconnaissance, ferry, courier, search & rescue attack , smoke screening duties. took part in fleet actions , worked in smaller groups , singly harry enemy supply lines. late in pacific war when large targets became scarce, many pt boats replaced 2 or 4 of torpedo tubes additional guns engaging enemy coastal supply boats , barges, isolating enemy-held islands supply, reinforcement or evacuation.

the significant military ship sunk torpedo boat during world war ii cruiser hms manchester sunk 2 italian torpedo boats (m.s. 16 , m.s. 21) during operation pedestal on 13 august 1942.


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