History The Mountain

1 history

1.1 origins
1.2 rise , terror
1.3 policies of mountain
1.4 decline , fall


it difficult pinpoint conception of montagnard group, because lines defined quite nebulous on. originally, members of mountain men sat in highest rows of jacobin clubs, loosely organized political debate clubs open public. though members of montagnards known commitment radical political resolutions prior 1793, contours of political groups presented ever-evolving reality shifted in response events. would-be prominent montagnard leaders jean-baptiste robert lindet , jean bon saint-andré tempted girondin proposals, , soon, many moderates – anti-radicals – felt need push radical endeavors in light of threats both within , without country. after trial of louis xvi in december 1792, united montagnards on position of regicide, ideals , power of group consolidated.

rise , terror

the rise of montagnards corresponds fall of girondins. girondin party hesitated on correct course of action take louis xvi after attempt flee france on 20 june 1791. elements of girondin party believed use king figurehead. while girondins hesitated, montagnards took united stand during trial in december 1792 – january 1793 , favored king s execution.

riding on victory, montagnards sought discredit girondins. used tactics employed girondins denounce them liars , enemies of revolution. formed legislative committee in nicolas hentz proposed limitation of inheritances, gaining more support montagnards. girondin members subsequently banned jacobin club , excluded national convention on 31 may- 2 june 1793. attempted resistance crushed. maximilien robespierre continued consolidate power on montagnards use of committee of public safety.

policies of mountain

through attempted land redistribution policies, mountain showed support rural poor. in august 1793, montagnard member jean-jacques cambacérès drafted piece of legislation dealt agricultural reform; in particular, urged “relief rent following harvest loss, compensation improvements, , fixity of tenure.” in part combat restlessness of share-croppers in southwest. draft never made law, drastic reforms suggest mountain’s awareness of need please base of support, both rural , urban poor.

other policies aimed @ supporting poor included price controls enacted mountain in 1793. law, called general maximum, supported group of agitators within mountain known enragés. fixed prices , wages throughout france. @ same time, bread prices rising commodity became scarce, , in initiative spearheaded collot d’herbois , billaud-varenne, law enacted in july 1793 forbade hoarding of “daily necessities”. hoarding of grain became crime punishable death.

other economic policies enacted mountain included embargo on export of french goods. result of embargo, france unable trade foreign markets , import of goods ended. in theory, protected french markets foreign goods , required french people support french goods. in addition embargo against foreign goods, act 1651, passed mountain in october 1793, further isolated france rest of europe forbidding foreign vessels trading along french coast.

decline , fall

the fall , exclusion of montagnards national convention began collapse of revolution s radical phase , death of robespierre on 10 thermidor (28 july) 1794. while montagnards celebrated unity, there growing heterogeneity within group robespierre , committee of public safety overextended tight control on military , extreme opposition corruption in government. overextension drew ire of other revolutionary leaders , number of plots coalesced on 9 thermidor (thermidorian reaction) when collaborators more moderate group dantonists acted in response fears robespierre planned execute them.

the purge of robespierre similar previous measures employed montagnards expel disagreeable factions, such girondins. however, robespierre considered heart of montagnards, death symbolized collapse of party. few desired take on name of montagnards afterwards, leaving around 100 men. finally, @ end of 1794, mountain largely devolved party called crest (french: crête), lacked real power.


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