History Lutsk Orthodox Fellowship of the True Cross

sigismund iii vasa

in 16th-century rus , hospital, church of saint lazar , cemetery located on northern side of lutsk island near glushets bridge; destroyed fire in 1619. on 20 february 1619, sigismund iii vasa (king of polish–lithuanian commonwealth) authorized fellowship build new hospital, church , school on church site.

the fellowship owned former rus hospital, , approved plans new construction end of 1619. following year, new wooden church , school built. lutsk orthodox fellowship had sufficient funds activities, , expanded. since impossible build required infrastructure in own area, fellowship purchased neighbouring lands. fellowship buildings located on land belonging olexandr zubcewski, bequeathed property it.

church plan

a new brick church built during 1630s. founders fellowship members, individual orthodox donors, clergy , szlachta families (including hulewicz, puzyn, semashko, , chetvertynski families of volyn).

the need school, print shop, hospital , monastery created demand new construction. in 1645, king władysław iv vasa authorized new brick hospital , administrative house aid of olexandr mozelli. mozelli allocated 40,000 złoty construction, began following year. in 1647, two-story houses (a school, hospital, library, print shop , monastic cells) completed.

nineteenth-century ruins

in 1713, lutsk fellowship began stagnate , order of saint basil great took on monastery. in 1761 monastery building damaged in fire, , restored 1774 when new church entrance created through wall. in 1795, orthodox church again purchased church. during 19th century, church collapsed due neglect; altar remained, , relics kept in chapel 1888 1890. alexander iii of russia visited church on 27 august 1890, granting 3,000 rubles fellowship; o. tereshchenko donated 2,000 rubles. church , iconostasis reconstructed, , new bells cast. during 1950s church again reconstructed, , part of ukrainian orthodox church of kyivan patriarchate.


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