Second term as prime minister (1997–99) Nawaz Sharif

1 second term prime minister (1997–99)

1.1 atomic policy

1.1.1 1998 nuclear tests
1.1.2 economical effects of tests
1.1.3 political effects of tests
1.1.4 space programme

1.2 foreign policy
1.3 constitutional amendment
1.4 issues judiciary

1.4.1 attack on supreme court
1.4.2 2006 formal apology

1.5 policy on anti-terrorism
1.6 relations military

1.6.1 dismissal of general jehangir karamat
1.6.2 confrontation military

second term prime minister (1997–99)

us defense secretary william s. cohen prime minister nawaz sharif (1998)

by 1996, national economy had come under intense situation , deadlock, , economic failure near. continuous , large scale of government corruption made benazir bhutto , appointed government ministers had deteriorated country s economy @ extreme level. in 1997 parliamentary elections, sharif , pakistan muslim league (pml-n) won landslide victory in elections, defeating benazir bhutto , people s party. commenting on victory, pakistan media , people of pakistan hoped sharif provide conservative stable government benefit pakistan promised earlier. besides zulfikar ali bhutto, no other leader, in history of pakistan, has enjoyed level of popularity, , received exclusive mandate on pakistan improve on conditions in pakistan @ same time. commentary, 1997 election resulted boost nawaz s popularity , mandate onerous task improve country s economy. nawaz defeated benazir bhutto overwhelmingly voting numbers , worst defeat of bhutto , people s party since inception. after elections, nawaz arrived in islamabad, met large crowd of spontaneous , jubilant people supporting nawaz; took more 13 hours nawaz sharif reach islamabad take oath. sharif sworn prime minister in morning of on 17 february serve non-consecutive second term. passing of 14th amendment, sharif emerged powerful elected prime minister in country since independence in 1947, , no other leader has enjoyed level of extreme popularity.

sharif served leader of opposition between 1993 , 1996 , led muslim league supermajority in national assembly. government amendment constitution restrict s powers of presidency dismiss governments. second administration notable holding pakistan s first nuclear tests in response neighbouring india s second nuclear tests part of tit-for-tat policy.

when western countries suspended foreign aid, sharif froze country s foreign currency reserves prevent further capital flight, worsened economic conditions. rising unemployment , record foreign debt,

atomic policy

during 1997 elections, sharif promised follow policy of nuclear ambiguity programme more benefited people, , use nuclear energy stimulate power in country. however, on 17 september 1997, sharif acknowledged fact atomic bomb project started , concluded in 1978, interview taken stn news broadcast in entire country before state visit united states. sharif maintained that:

the issue of [atomic] capability established fact. [h]ence debate on [atomic] [i]ssue should come end.... since 1972, [p]akistan had progressed significantly, , have left stage (developmental) far behind. pakistan not made hostage india signing ctbt, before (india).

on 1 december, after returning united states, sharif told daily jang , news international pakistan sign , become party of comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty (ctbt) but, if , if, india signed, ratified and, becomes part of ctbt first. under leadership, nuclear program had become vital part of pakistan s economical policy program had become back-bone of economy of pakistan in 1998.

1998 nuclear tests

the executive authorisation of pakistan s nuclear testing programme important turning point in political career bring image world prominence.

in first term, sharif funded pakistan s nuclear, missile , space programme, allotted funds science research, particularly extension defence. in may 1998, after indian nuclear tests, sharif vowed country give suitable reply indians. on 14 may, leader of opposition benazir bhutto , mqm publicly called nuclear tests , public calls nuclear test began take place in pakistan. when india tested nuclear weapons second time, caused great alarm in pakistan , pressure mounted build on prime minister. on 15 may 1998, sharif called , chaired national security council meeting in prime minister secretariat. pakistan armed forces left matter elected prime minister, though prime minister sharif put pakistan armed forces on high-alert. discussions went on few hours , encompassed financial, diplomatic, military, strategic , national security concerns. @ sensitive meeting, has had 2 important agendas; first, whether or not pakistan should conduct nuclear tests respond indian nuclear aggression. and, secondly, if nuclear testing program go ahead of government science organisations— pakistan atomic energy commission or kahuta research laboratories— conduct nuclear testing leading nuclear testing program.

sheikh rasheed , raja zafarul haq, first people propose tests, while, sartaj aziz treasure minister time, person in meeting opposed tests on financial grounds due economic recession, low foreign exchange reserves of country , effect of inevitable economic sanctions imposed on pakistan if carried out tests. when comes voting, prime minister did not oppose or propose tests. remainder spoke in favour of conducting tests.

nuclear physicist dr. ishfaq ahmad of pakistan atomic energy commission (paec) , metallurgical engineer dr. abdul qadeer khan of kahuta research laboratories equally presented point of views, , approached permission prime minister. meeting concluded without resolution of 2 agenda points. on 16 may, senior scientist dr. abdul qadeer khan had briefed prime minister on key weapon-grade explosives issues , briefed on latest situation on pakistan s different weapon-testing laboratories @ time. on morning of 17 may 1998, sharif summoned dr. ishfaq ahmad , asked him opinion on 2 points discussed on 15 may. ahmed told prime minister decision test or not test of government of pakistan. dr. ahmad acknowledged paec ready capability of carrying out tests. sharif concluded eyes of world focused on pakistan , failure conduct tests put credibility of pakistan s nuclear deterrence programme in doubt. dr. ahmad said, conducting nuclear test highly political decision, , no matter wish of scientific community may be, political leadership of country have say.... mr. prime minister, take [decision], give [g]uarantee of success. initially, prime minister waited see world reaction on india s nuclear tests, while observing embargo placed on indian economy, had no placed no effects. prime minister sharif, @ first, hesitant towards nuclear test program , economical turn out if tests ordered. few days after indian tests, indian home minister lal kishanchand advani , defence minister george fernandes issued foolish taunts , threatening statements towards pakistan, angered prime minister.

on 18 may, prime minister sharif ordered paec make preparation tests, remain on stand-by final decision. in own words, sharif called dr. ishfaq ahmad , ordered him, conduct explosion! . simultaneously, sharif s ordered, xii corps, southern naval command, national logistics cell, , no. 6 squadron globe trotters put on high-alert provide necessary support paec in regard. on 21 may, sharif issued orders conduct nuclear tests suitable reply india, , authorised nuclear weapon testing program same day. boeing-737 airline pakistan international airlines readily made available paec scientists, engineers, , technicians balochistan.

dr. abdul qadeer khan , scientists , engineers krl told stay alert , sent balochistan along paec. on morning of 27 may 1998, isi spotted camouflage f-16s spotted conducting exercises; isi got word israeli fighters, flying on behalf of india inbound take out pakistan s nuclear facilities. when sharif heard news, angrily ordered paf scrambled , rolled nuclear bombs out of shelters in preparation launch. on night of 27 may, united states , other nations assured nawaz sharif pakistan safe, israeli attack never materialized , according political scientist dr. shafik h. hashmi.

finally, pakistan carried out successful nuclear tests on 28 may 1998 (codename chagai-i), , on 30 may 1998 (codename chagai-ii), in response indian detonation of 6 nuclear devices 2 weeks before. after these test, prime minister appeared on pakistan television corporation , took nation on confidence , addressed world:

if [pakistan] had wanted, (pakistan) have conducted nuclear tests 15–20 years ago.... abject poverty of people of region dissuaded... [pakistan] doing so. [w]orld, instead of putting pressure on (india)... not take destructive road.... imposed kinds of sanctions on [pakistan] no fault of her..... if (japan) had own nuclear capability.. (cities of)... hiroshima , nagasaki not have suffered atomic destruction @ hands of the... united states.

economical effects of tests

after weeks of anticipation, pakistan surprised world conducting own nuclear tests. sharif s popularity in pakistan increased. while being hailed nationalist, sharif proclaimed emergency on same day these nuclear tests conducted, dismayed public. foreign currency accounts in pakistani banks frozen minimise effects of economic sanctions. detrimental account holders.

he put pakistan armed forces on high alert defend country s nuclear installations. justified tests on national security grounds, demonstrated pakistan s nuclear deterrent capabilities against armed indian nuclear programme. under premiership, pakistan became first muslim country , seventh nation become nuclear power.

political effects of tests

in spite of intense international criticism , steady decline in foreign investment , trade, these 6 nuclear tests popular domestically , sharif s popularity , pml (n) s prestige rose in response. after appearing on national television , taking nation of confidence, tests greeted great jubilation , large-scale approval of sharif s decision civil society. on 30 may, sharif appeared after tests, , informed world, today, have settled score , have carried out 6 successful nuclear tests . newspapers , television channels praised sharif , government bold decision; editorials full of praise country s leadership , advocated development of operational nuclear deterrence country, despite small-scale anti-nuclear sentiments criticised nuclear testings forcefully silenced emerging public opinion favouring sharif , nuclear tests. after atomic tests on 1515hrs (28 may) , 1315hrs (30 may), sharif called joint-parliamentary session @ parliament house building on emergency basis calling of public legislators parliament entire country gather @ parliament, sharif take parliament on confidence after presenting short speech.

on day of atomic testing, military , public policy makers, lawmakers , legislators, senior journalists, , influential members of civil society @ parliament chaired tests, loud slogans , songs of pakistan zindabad (long live pakistan) sung, , tribute zulfikar ali bhutto heavily paid parliamentarians political parties of pakistan. parliamentarians , leader of opposition benazir bhutto had congratulated prime minister nawaz sharif , pakistan armed forces thanking making bold decision in spite of whatever economical outcomes were. political scientist , geostrategist javed hashmi heard saying: yes! yes!.... have done it. , while tapping parliament desk. peoples party chaired moment when ameen faheem heard saying: gave same medicines [indians]. . on effects on india, politicians in indian parliament erupted shouting opposition leaders blamed government starting nuclear arms race.

the pakistan academy of sciences thanked sharif , government having been given opportunity prove capabilities. in return, sharif established national center theoretical physics (nctp) , inaugurated abdus salam museum in 1999. according benazir bhutto calculated rival s level of political popularity after ordering tests asserted, these tests had erased existed doubts , fear minds of people of pakistan questioned pakistan s deterrence capability after 1971 collapse. of today, sharif , party takes credit authorising these tests, , annually held celebrating public functions in on country. without doubts, sharif posed become pakistan s favourable , strongest prime minister since 1974, , political prestige of nawaz sharif @ peak point @ time when country had gone nuclear.

the nuclear tests remained highly popular in pakistan many in pakistan saw dignified status pakistan in world community. despite disagreement sharif, rivals , opposition parties backed sharif , congratulated him bold decision .

sharif awarded ig nobel prize aggressively peaceful explosions of atomic bombs .

space programme

due economic distress, sharif halted national space programme, , refused allot funds due government struggling provide funds more extended programmes. unlike benazir continued space programme despite economic slow down, space research commission forced delay launch of well-developed satellite, badr-ii(b) completed in 1997. delaying satellite s launch caused frustration of scientific community openly criticised prime minister s inability promote science in country. senior scientists , engineers attributed failure sharif s personal corruption effected national security of country. not until 2001, 2 years since sharif dismissed; satellite launched baikonur cosmodrome 10 december 2001 @ 0915hrs space research commission.

foreign policy

sharif strengthened relations muslim world, turkey, , europe. year elected, sharif made state visit malaysia , singapore sharif signed economic , free trade agreements both countries. trilateral trade bloc in south asia , premiers of singapore, malaysia, , pakistan had signed agreement. following agreement, work on comprehensive framework enhance collaboration in defence, economic , private sector launched , completed in 1998. 1 of core issues malaysia s agreement on sharing space technology pakistan. both malaysia , singapore assured support pakistan join asia–europe meeting. however, not until 2008, pakistan , india became part of treaty.

sharif in washington d.c. william s. cohen in 1998

in january 1998, prime minister sharif paid state visit south korea, signed bilateral , economical agreements south korean president kim young-sam. sharif urged north korea make peace , improve ties south korea; statement caused diversion in pakistan–north korea relations. in april 1998, sharif went on visit italy, germany, poland, , belgium promote economic ties. said in brussels @ official reception, [pakistan] [s]eek understanding , cooperation europe . signed number of agreements enlarge economic co-operation italy , belgium, besides agreement european union (eu) protection of intellectual, industrial , commercial property rights. in february 1997, prime minister had meeting jiang zemin, chinese president , li peng, premier, economic co-operation. 2 conferences specially organised in beijing , hong kong promote chinese investment in pakistan.

however, sharif s effort seemed wasted when sharif ordered nuclear tests in 1998. following tests, foreign policy of pakistan in trouble position since 1971 disaster. pakistan, @ united nations, failed gather support allies. trade agreements abrogated europe, united states, , asian bloc. while sharif praised carrying out tests domestically. sharif heavily criticised ordering internationally. pakistan s nuclear weapons , energy programme targeted on multiple times on involvement spreading nuclear proliferation. united arab emirates , saudi arabia, did not criticised pakistan both neither issued statement. on 7 june 1998, sharif visited uae talks on situation in south asia after nuclear tests in region. thanked government support after india conducted 5 nuclear tests on 11 , 13 may. major shift in conservative foreign policy notice on 11 june 1998, when nawaz sharif authorised secret meeting of pakistan ambassador united nations inam-ul-haq , pakistan ambassador united states dr. maliha lodhi, chair meeting israeli counterparts, israel ambassador united states eliyahu ben-elissar , israel ambassador united nations dore gold, @ 7 star hotel in new york, united states. prime minister sent secret courier israel , israeli counterpart benjamin netanyahu (now current prime minister), though diplomats, pakistan assured israel pakistan not transfer nuclear technology or materials iran or other middle eastern countries. in june 1998, israel had directed secret courier pakistan israeli officials had feared iranian foreign minister kamal kharrazi s visit pakistan shortly after may 1998 nuclear weapons tests sign pakistan preparing sell nuclear technology iran.

in 1999, met indian prime minister atal bihari vajpayee @ wagah border , signed joint communique, known lahore declaration. since both countries had ordered nuclear tests, both prime ministers proceeded towards maintaining peace , security. in 1998, both governments signed agreement recognising principle of building environment of peace , security , resolving bilateral conflicts, became basis of lahore declaration. on 1 february 1999, prime minister sharif made breakthrough india when invited counterpart pakistan. on 19 february, indian premier atal bihari vajpayee paid historic state visit pakistan travelling on inaugural bus service connecting indian capital of new delhi major pakistan s cultural city of lahore, establishing major transport link peoples of both nations. on 21 february, both prime ministers signed bilateral agreement memorandum of understanding ensure nuclear-free safety in south asia. bilateral agreement popular in pakistan , india onwards, people of pakistan supported prime minister s move , prime minister received wide appreciation opposition civil society. agreement known lahore declaration, assumed development of nuclear weapons brought added responsibility both nations towards avoiding conflict , promoted importance of confidence-building measures, avoid accidental , unauthorised use of nuclear weapons. western observers, treaty more of salt treaties signed both superpowers, soviet union , united states. in july 2012, pakistan muslim league-nawaz (pml-n) chief nawaz sharif said there on wednesday night there no apology on killing of pakistani soldiers , join protest against reopening of nato supplies. in october 2013 navaz sharif had official meeting president barack obama @ white house discuss pakistani s atomic issues.

constitutional amendment

in late august 1998, proposed law establish legal system based on islamic principles. proposal came week after 10-year commemorations of late president zia ul-haq. cabinet removed of controversial aspects. national assembly approved , passed bill on 10 october 1998 151 votes 16. majority in parliament, sharif drove pakistan s political system more onto parliamentary system, reverting previous semi-presidential system , laws fondly enjoyed president. passing these amendments, sharif became strongest prime minister country has ever seen since independence. however, these amendments failed achieve two-thirds majority in senate, still under control of pakistan peoples party. weeks afterward, sharif s government suffer military coup, therefore these amendments went cold storage after pervez musharraf replaced them 2002 lfo, putting country semi-presidential system. however, in 2010, pakistan s parliament unanimously passed 18th amendment, passed both in national assembly , senate, putting country road parliamentary system.

issues judiciary

during second term, sharif mounted problems supreme court— apex judicial authority. sharif s fourteenth amendment had prohibited legislators , lawmakers dissenting or voting against own parties. xiv amendment contained clause offending legislators not seek relief through judiciary, , right of appeal provoked xvi amendment. when legislators of different parties took case supreme court, sharif furious , frustrated actions of supreme court. sharif openly criticised chief justice sajad alishah, inviting notice of contempt. after military , president reached sharif avoid constitution crises, sharif agreed solve issue amicably, determined out chief justice sajad alishah.

sharif manipulated ranks of senior judges, deposing 2 judges close chief justice. deposed judges challenged sharif s orders on procedural grounds filing petition @ quetta high court on 26 november 1997. chief justice restrained fellow judges adjudicating in case against prime minister. on 28 november, sharif prime minister appeared in supreme court justified actions calling constitutional, , citing evidences obtained sharif @ quetta high court junior judges against 2 judges sharif had deposed. after looking @ evidences, chief justice sajad ali shah suspended decision of quetta high court, peshawar high court issued similar order removing chief justice s closest judges. associate chief justice of peshawar high court, justice saeeduzzaman siddiqui declared himself acting chief justice.

attack on supreme court

chief justice sajad ali shah, however, continued assert authority , persisted in hearing sharif s case. on 30 november 1997, while hearing in progress, sharif s cabinet ministers , large number of supporters entered supreme court building, disrupting proceedings. chief justice asked military send military police, , subsequently struck down thirteenth (xiii) amendment thereby restoring power of president. but, move backed fired on chief justice when military backed prime minister , refused obey president s orders remove sharif. prime minister forced president farooq leghari resign, , appointed wasim sajjad acting president. after president s removal, sharif ousted chief justice sajad ali shah end constitutional crisis once , all.

2006 formal apology

on 29 november 2006, nawaz sharif , member of party issued public apology former chief justice sajjad ali shah , former president farooq leghari actions. party s member paid farewell visit residence of chief justice ali shah presented written apology him; later in parliament, party issued white paper formally apologising wrongdoing in 1997.

policy on anti-terrorism

during benazir bhutto s period, country suffered terrorist attack on egyptian embassy in islamabad led rift between relationship pakistan , egypt. took initiatives against terrorism when on 17 august 1997, passed controversial anti-terrorist act established anti-terrorism courts. supreme court later rendered act unconstitutional. however, sharif made few amendments, , received permission of supreme court establish these courts. anti-terrorism courts used general pervez musharraf prosecute nawaz sharif in alleged terrorism/hijacking case in 1999.

relations military

prime minister nawaz sharif @ pentagon, 1998.

from 1981 until military coup against him in 1999, sharif enjoyed strong , extremely friendly , cordial relations pakistan armed forces – civilian leader have cordial friendship , relationships military s establishment @ time. sharif pressed tough rhetoric actions , repeatedly violates constitution military code of conduct.

he later had severe political confrontation in 1999 when tried replace general musharraf generals loyal him resulted in coup d état removed him office. @ end of general wahied kakar s three-year term in january 1996, general jehangir karamat appointed chief of army staff of pakistan army. term due end on 9 january 1999. however, in october 1998 sharif had falling out general karamat on latter s advocacy of national security council . sharif interpreted move conspiracy return military more active role in pakistan politics.

in 1999, after sharif s removal, national security council indeed established successor. in october 1998, general karamat resigned , sharif promoted lieutenant-general pervez musharraf, core-commander of strike corps time, 4-star general , appointed him new chief of army staff. sharif appointed general musharraf chairman of joint chiefs of staff committee despite musharraf s lack of seniority admiral bokhari. in protest, admiral fasih bokhari resigned post chief of naval staff.

dismissal of general jehangir karamat

however, political scientists , critics studied policies noted prime minister, sharif ruthlessly established control on country, including military. in october 1998, sharif forced , fired general karamat on serious issues on national security council disputes. dismissal of general karamat least popular decision in sharif s prime ministerial ship, , approval ratings plummeted. military lawyers , civilian law experts saw step clear violation of pakistan constitution , clear violation of military justice code. media minister syed mushahid hussain , later prime minister himself justified actions on national , international media:

in democratic society, chief of army staff , chairman joint chiefs talk government that? happened general macarthur? mr. harry truman did not waste time. pakistan becoming normal democratic society.

political scientist dr. samina ahmed of defence , strategic studies department noted since re-elect in 1997 , success of passing constitutional amendments, prime minister sharif began abuse powers since then. later quoted that:

during time, sharif powerful prime minister.... since country s independence. power tangible when can exercise it. in pakistan, (nawaz) government doesn t seem capable of exercising it.

the relieve of general karamat heated issue discussed senior government ministers. most-senior , former treasury minister sartaj aziz gave vehement criticism , showed opposition prime minister making move. writing thesis in book, between dreams , realities: milestones in pakistan s history, aziz maintained: blunder of firing of general karamatt; others blame nawaz sharif many mistakes made. in view, serious of these mistakes nawaz sharif s decision remove general jehangir karamat chief of army staff in october 1998 . aziz extremely confident , chief of general staff lieutenant-general ali kuli khan appointed chief of army staff based on seniority, merit, among competent officer, , next in seniority general karamat.

however, after being persuaded younger brother , (also of current) chief minister of punjab province shahbaz sharif , close friend nisar ali khan, appoint general musharraf next chief of army staff, despite lack of seniority. came shock in media , opposition, aziz sent recommendation appoint either lieutenant-general ali kuli khan or admiral fasih bokhari chairman joint chiefs of staff committee, redress injustice done both officers.

prime minister sharif took recommendation appointed general musharraf chairman of joint chiefs after accepting request of shahbaz sharif. appointing general musharraf chairman of joint chiefs, plummeted mandate in public after headlines in media made, opposition gave intense criticism sharif unable countered or justified actions public. senior minister, sartaj aziz, expressed displeased after marking that: sharif committed blunder, failing recognize despite heavy mandate, not advisable him dismiss (two) army chiefs in less year. in doing sharif had made serious of these blunders after relieving [general] karamatt, yet, (an) unforgettable mistake never able cover damage afterwords... , sartaj aziz noted.

after sharif approved controversial appointment of general musharraf chairman joint chiefs of staff committee, pillars of silent hostility , resentment built between chief of naval staff admiral fasih bokhari during kargil war, admiral bokhari gave rogue , grave criticism prime minister yet faced. on 6 october 1999, admiral bokhari abruptly resigned navy when televised media news reached him prime minister nawaz sharif appointed chief of army staff general pervez musharraf chairman joint chiefs of staff committee. bokhari reached prime minister secretariat , lodged loud protest against musharraf , nawaz sharif bokhari considered musharraf junior officer him. admiral s resignation made public domain , sharif accepted resignation of admiral bokhari onwards.

confrontation military

the year of 1999 brought tremendous political upheavals , dramatic changes in pakistan prime minister. confrontation military began sometime in 1999, starting first admiral fasih bokhari, when admiral bokhari lodged powerful protest against kargil debacle , called court-martial of pervez musharraf in private television channels.

during kargil war in 1999, sharif claimed have no knowledge of planned attacks, saying pervez musharraf acted alone. in 2008, lieutenant-general (retired) jamshed gulzar kiani— @ time kiani major-general , served director-general of military intelligence— publicly confirmed sharif s statement of not having knowledge on kargil debacle. according major-general kiani, general musharraf had eye-blinded prime minister , did not brief him on true facts or difficult situation faced pakistan army. during kargil debacle, indian air force s 2 mig-29 intercepted pakistan air force s 2 f-16 fighter jets of no. 9 squadron griffins, gaining missile lock on these jets. dogfight made next-day morning headlines in pakistan, prompting prime minister investigate matter. however, chief of air staff general pervez mehdi denied incident, later accused prime minister not taking air force in confidence in matters of national security.

sharif s part-time taking control of stock exchange markets had devastating effects on pakistan s economy, move instigated after tests control economy. sharif s policies disapproved people , @ mid of 1999, , sharif s own popularity mixed few approved policies.

in august 1999 2 indian air force mig-21fl aircraft shot down pakistan navy breguet atlantique reconnaissance aircraft near rann of kutch in india, killing 16 naval officers, greatest number of combat-related casualties navy since indo-pakistani naval war of 1971 suffering public disapproval , bad popularity, incident came @ particularly bad juncture prime minister, under attack politicians , civil society ordering withdrawal of troops kargil. sharif failed gather foreign support against india after incident, , navy saw failure sharif s not supporting navy in wartime. chief of naval staff admiral abdul aziz mirza turned against prime minister, , sharif faced new cold war newly appointed admiral had assumed charge of navy few days before. prime minister dispatched units of marines in vicinity retrieve downed aircraft s pilots, marines turned on prime minister due failure defend navy @ international court of justice (icj) in september 1999. relations air force deteriorated in matter of months, when chief of air staff general parvaiz mehdi qureshi accused prime minister of not taking air force confidence in matters critical national security.

two months later, after escalating tug of war armed forces, sharif deposed general pervez musharraf, chairman of joint chiefs of staff committee , chief of army staff, , martial law established throughout country.


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