United States Course credit

1 united states

1.1 credit hours
1.2 credit examination
1.3 faculty hours

united states
credit hours

in college or university in united states, students receive credit hours based on number of contact hours per week in class, 1 term; more known semester credit hours. contact hour includes lecture or lab time when professor teaching student or coaching student while apply course information activity. regardless of duration of course (i.e. short semester summer or intersession) , depending on state or jurisdiction, semester credit hour (sch) 15-16 contact hours per semester. college , university courses 3 semester credit hours (sch) or 45-48 contact hours, meet 3 hours per week on 15-week semester.

homework time student spends applying class material without supervision of professor: includes studying notes, supplementary reading, writing papers, or other unsupervised activities such labwork or field work. because students expected spend 3 hours outside class studying , doing homework every hour spent in class, 15 sch typical full course load, although many colleges consider 12 sch minimum full-time load financial aid , other purposes. schools set flat rate full-time students, such student taking on 12 or 15 credit hours pay same amount student taking 12 (or 15). part-time student taking less 12 hours pays per credit hour, on top of matriculation , student fees.

credit laboratory , studio courses physical education courses, internships , practica less lectures - typically 1 credit every 2 3 hours spent in lab or studio, depending on amount of actual instruction necessary prior lab. however, field experiences such student teaching requirement earning 1 s teaching license, student may earn 8-10 credits semester doing 40 hours week of work.

to figure grade-point average (gpa), grade received in each course subject weighting, multiplying number of credit hours. thus, b (three grade points) in four-credit class yields 12 quality points . these added together, divided total number of credits student has taken, gpa. transfer credits may not counted in gpa.

some courses may require grade higher considered passing. in case, grade of d still add total number of credits earned (unlike f )

various types of student aid , student visas require students take , complete minimum number of course credits each term. schools require minimum number or percentage of credits taken @ school qualify diploma school—this known residency requirement.

credit examination

credit examination, known credit exam, way of receiving course credit without taking course. grade shows k on transcript, carries no credit hours, , therefore has no effect on gpa. means student must take other classes instead, meet minimum hour requirements. still benefits student, because or can learn new , useful, instead of repeating known. dantes , college level examination program (clep) 2 programs offer college bound students credit examination.

faculty hours

faculty in comprehensive or baccalaureate colleges , universities typically have 12 sch per semester. faculty teaching significant graduate work or large classes (100 or more students in section) may have load lifts or course reductions. faculty @ research universities typically have official teaching load of 12 sch per semester, actual load reduced because of requirement significant peer reviewed published research. while faculty workloads universally based on number of sch taught, faculty teaching in technical clock hour programs in technical , community colleges have workloads more closely resemble high school teaching, faculty in community colleges typically teach 15 sch or more per semester (5 days per week @ 3 hours per day).


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