Research projects German National Library of Science and Technology

1 research projects

1.1 probado 3d
1.2 visual access research data
1.3 scoap-dh
1.4 other research projects

research projects

as part of german national research infrastructure, tib conducts own applied research particularly in field of information science. in cooperation variety of other institutions, these projects focus on areas of visual searching, data visualization, semantic web, , future internet. important projects include:

probado 3d

probado project develop of tools automatic indexing, storage , delivery of non-textual documents such 3d models. goal enable academic libraries deal multimedia objects textual information. tools include searching intuitive drawing in 2d , 3d , delivery of results while drawing. initiative tib partnered technical university of darmstadt, university of bonn , technical university of graz. funded dfg.

visual access research data

this project, funded leibniz association, joint effort of tib, gris darmstadt (interactive graphics systems @ technical university of darmstadt) , igd (fraunhofer institute computer graphics). deals developing approaches interactive, graphical access research data in order make represented , searchable. project tasked developing methods data analysis, visual search systems, metadata-based searching , prototype implementation.


scoap (sponsoring consortium open access publishing in particle physics) global consortium of organizations in high energy physics, physics research centers , leading international libraries. goal convert essential journals in particle physics presently financed subscriptions open access journals support of publishers. scoap-dh funded german research foundation, working in cooperation german electron synchrotron (desy) , max planck society (mps).

other research projects

additional tib research projects include:

arxiv-dh: development open access platform arxiv german universities , other institutions
dp4lib: development of reusable , flexible infrastructure digital preservation
knowledge exchange: national initiative in germany extend use of information , communications technology in research , teaching
komfor: center of expertise earth , environment research data
linked heritage: metadata, standards, persistent identification , linked data systems digital cultural heritage in europe
sti adaptations mobile web devices: approaches enhancing access sti through mobile devices
tib-transfer: development , implementation of concept commercialization of research results
vifachem ii: development of concepts , tools virtual library of chemistry ii

^ probado3d online (in german) retrieved 26-may-2012.
^ visinfo: visual access research data online (english) retrieved 26-may-2012.
^ towards open access publishing in high energy physics scoap working committee (geneva july 3rd 2007) online pdf retrieved 26-may-2012
^ scoap-dh project summary @ tib online (english) retrieved 26-may-2012.
^ scoap-dh flyer german universities , other institutions. pdf (in german) retrieved 26-may-2012.
^ tib research projects summary online retrieved 26-may-2012.


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