Plato Philosophy of education

inscribed herma of plato. (berlin, altes museum).

date: 424/423 bc – 348/347 bc

plato s educational philosophy grounded in vision of ideal republic wherein individual best served being subordinated society due shift in emphasis departed predecessors. mind , body considered separate entiies. in dialogues of phaedo, written in middle period (360 b.c.e.) plato expressed distinctive views nature of knowledge, reality, , soul:

when soul , body united, nature orders soul rule , govern, , body obey , serve. of these 2 functions akin divine? , mortal? not divine appear…to naturally orders , rules, , mortal subject , servant?

on premise, plato advocated removing children mothers care , raising them wards of state, great care being taken differentiate children suitable various castes, highest receiving education, act guardians of city , care less able. education holistic, including facts, skills, physical discipline, , music , art, considered highest form of endeavor.

plato believed talent distributed non-genetically , must found in children born in social class. built on insisting suitably gifted trained state might qualified assume role of ruling class. established system of selective public education premised on assumption educated minority of population were, virtue of education (and inborn educability), sufficient healthy governance.

plato s writings contain of following ideas: elementary education confined guardian class till age of 18, followed 2 years of compulsory military training , higher education qualified. while elementary education made soul responsive environment, higher education helped soul search truth illuminated it. both boys , girls receive same kind of education. elementary education consisted of music , gymnastics, designed train , blend gentle , fierce qualities in individual , create harmonious person.

at age of 20, selection made. best students take advanced course in mathematics, geometry, astronomy , harmonics. first course in scheme of higher education last ten years. had flair science. @ age of 30 there selection; qualified study dialectics , metaphysics, logic , philosophy next 5 years. after accepting junior positions in army 15 years, man have completed theoretical , practical education age of 50.


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