Examples Syllabic verse

because of consistent short lines marked end-rhyme, these lines conceivably heard 7-syllable groups listener; however, more perceived (usually) 3-stress lines.

syllabic poetry can take stanzaic form, in marianne moore s poem no swan fine , in corresponding lines of each stanza have same number of syllables. poem comprises 2 stanzas, each lines of 7, 8, 6, 8, 8, 5, , 9 syllables respectively. indented lines rhyme. in accentual-syllabic verse, there flexibility in how 1 counts syllables. example, syllables y- or w-glides may count 1 or 2 syllables depending on poet s preference. moore counts dahlias (a y-glide) 2 syllables, , flowers (a w-glide) 1.

because these lines longer, irregular, , enjambed ( / dead fountains ), quite clear symmetry of syllables not meant audible. moore s use of end-rhyme telling. 2 lines in each stanza rhymed: these emphasized reader indentation, hidden listener radical enjambment ( fawn- / brown , coxcomb- / tinted ).

elizabeth daryush, known use of syllabic verse, used quaternion form celebrated syllabic verse poem accentedal .


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