Texts Apocrypha

1 texts

1.1 judaism
1.2 intertestamental
1.3 christianity

1.3.1 disputes on canonicity
1.3.2 new testament apocrypha
1.3.3 list of sixty

1.4 confucianism , taoism
1.5 buddhism


although orthodox jews believe in exclusive canonization of current 24 books in tanakh, consider oral torah authoritative, believe handed down moses. sadducees—unlike pharisees samaritans—seem have maintained earlier , smaller number of texts canonical, preferring hold written in law of moses (making of presently accepted canon, both jewish , christian, apocryphal in eyes). circles in judaism, such essenes in judea , therapeutae in egypt, said have secret literature (see dead sea scrolls). other traditions maintained different customs regarding canonicity. ethiopic jews, instance, seem have retained spread of canonical texts similar ethiopian orthodox christians, cf encyclopaedia judaica, vol 6, p 1147.


during birth of christianity, of jewish apocrypha dealt coming of messianic kingdom became popular in rising jewish christian communities. these writings changed or added to, on whole found sufficient reinterpret them conforming christian viewpoint. christianity gave birth new apocalyptic works, of derived traditional jewish sources. of jewish apocrypha part of ordinary religious literature of christians. strange, large majority of old testament references in new testament taken greek septuagint, source of deuterocanonical books of other biblical apocrypha.

slightly varying collections of additional books (called deuterocanonical roman catholic church) form part of roman catholic, eastern orthodox , oriental orthodox canons. see development of old testament canon.

the book of enoch included in biblical canon of oriental orthodox churches of ethiopia , eritrea. epistle of jude quotes book of enoch, , believe use of book appears in 4 gospels , 1 peter. genuineness , inspiration of enoch believed in writer of epistle of barnabas, irenaeus, tertullian , clement of alexandria , of church. epistles of paul , gospels show influences book of jubilees, part of ethiopian canon, assumption of moses , testaments of twelve patriarchs, included in no biblical canon.

the high position apocryphal books occupied in first 2 centuries undermined variety of influences in christian church. claims possession of secret tradition (as held many gnostic sects) denied influential theologians irenaeus , tertullian, modern historians refer proto-orthodox, timeframe of true inspiration limited apostolic age, , universal acceptance church required proof of apostolic authorship. these principles gained currency, books deemed apocryphal tended become regarded spurious , heretical writings, though books considered deuterocanonical have been used in liturgy , theology first century present.

disputes on canonicity

the actual status of books catholic church terms deuterocanonicals (second canon) , protestantism refers apocrypha has been issue of disagreement preceded reformation. many believe pre-christian-era jewish translation (into greek) of holy scriptures known septuagint, greek translation of hebrew scriptures compiled around 280 b.c., included apocryphal writings in dispute, little distinction made between them , rest of old testament. others argue septuagint of first century did not contain these books added later christians, earliest extant manuscripts of septuagint fourth century, , suffer lack of uniformity regards containing apocryphal books, , contain books classed pseudepigrapha, texts cited writers in second , later centuries being scripture.

while few scholars conclude jewish canon achievement of hasmonean dynasty, considered not have been finalized until 100 a.d. or later, @ time considerations of greek language , beginnings of christian acceptance of septuagint weighed against of texts. not accepted jews part of hebrew bible canon , apocrypha not part of historical jewish canon.

early church fathers such athanasius, melito, origen, , cyril of jerusalem, spoke against canonicity of or of apocrypha, weighty opposition fourth century catholic scholar jerome preferred hebrew canon, whereas augustine , others preferred wider (greek) canon, both having followers in generations followed. catholic encyclopedia states regards middle ages,

in latin church, through middle ages [5th century 15th century] find evidence of hesitation character of deuterocanonicals. there current friendly them, 1 distinctly unfavourable authority , sacredness, while wavering between 2 number of writers veneration these books tempered perplexity exact standing, , among note st. thomas aquinas. few found unequivocally acknowledge canonicity. prevailing attitude of western medieval authors substantially of greek fathers.

the wider christian canon accepted augustine became more established canon in western church after being promulgated use in easter letter of athanasius (circa 372 a.d., though in same letter denied apocryphal books being scripture, except baruch, while excluding esther). synod of rome (382 a.d., decretum gelasianum considered later addition ) , local councils of carthage , hippo in north africa (391 , 393 a.d). nevertheless, none of these constituted indisputable definitions, , significant scholarly doubts , disagreements nature of apocrypha continued centuries , trent, provided first infallible definition of catholic canon in 1546. canon came see appropriately 1,000 years of uniform use majority, after 11th-century schism separated church branches known roman catholic , eastern orthodox churches.

in 16th century, protestant reformers challenged canonicity of books , partial-books found in surviving septuagint not in masoretic text. in response challenge, after death of martin luther (february 8, 1546) ecumenical council of trent officially ( infallibly ) declared these books (called deuterocanonical catholics) part of canon in april, 1546 a.d. while protestant reformers rejected parts of canon not part of hebrew bible, included 4 new testament books luther held doubtful canonicity along apocrypha in non-binding canon (though separately included in bible, in editions of kjv bible until 1947). protestantism therefore established 66 book canon 39 books based on ancient hebrew canon, along traditional 27 books of new testament. protestants rejected catholic term deuterocanonical these writings, preferring apply term apocryphal in use other , disputed writings. today (but along others reasons), various reformers argued books contained doctrinal or other errors , should not have been added canon reason. differences between canons can seen under biblical canon , development of christian biblical canon.

explaining eastern orthodox church s canon made difficult because of differences of perspective roman catholic church in interpretation of how done. differences (in matters of jurisdictional authority) contributing factors in separation of roman catholics , orthodox around 1054, formation of canon trent later officially definitively settle largely complete fifth century, in not settled, 6 centuries before separation. in eastern part of church, took of fifth century come agreement, in end accomplished. canonical books established undivided church became predominate canon later become roman catholic , eastern orthodox alike. east did differ west in not considering every question of canon yet settled, , subsequently adopted few more books old testament. allowed consideration of yet few more continue not decided, led in cases adoption in 1 or more jurisdictions, not all. thus, there today few remaining differences of canon among orthodox, , orthodox accept few more books appear in catholic canon. psalms of solomon, 3 maccabees, 4 maccabees, epistle of jeremiah book of odes, prayer of manasseh , psalm 151 included in copies of septuagint, of accepted canonical eastern orthodox , other churches. protestants accept none of these additional books canon either, see them having same status other apocrypha.

new testament apocrypha

new testament apocrypha—books similar in new testament universally rejected catholics, orthodox , protestants—include several gospels , lives of apostles. written jewish christians (see gospel according hebrews). others of these produced gnostic authors or members of other groups later defined heterodox. many texts believed lost centuries unearthed in 19th , 20th centuries, producing lively speculation importance in christianity among religious scholars, while many others survive in form of quotations them in other writings; some, no more title known. artists , theologians have drawn upon new testament apocrypha such matters names of dismas , gestas , details 3 wise men. first explicit mention of perpetual virginity of mary found in pseudepigraphical infancy gospel of james.

before fifth century, christian writings under discussion inclusion in canon had not yet been accepted classified in group known ancient antilegomenae. these candidates new testament , included several books accepted, such as: epistle hebrews, 2 peter, 3 john , revelation of john (apocalypse). none of accepted books can considered apocryphal now, since christendom accepts them canonical. of uncanonized ones, church considered heretical viewed others quite well. christians, in extension of meaning, might consider non-heretical books apocryphal along manner of martin luther: not canon, useful read. category includes books such epistle of barnabas, didache, , shepherd of hermas referred apostolic fathers. gnostic tradition prolific source of apocryphal gospels. while these writings borrowed characteristic poetic features of apocalyptic literature judaism, gnostic sects largely insisted on allegorical interpretations based on secret apostolic tradition. them, these apocryphal books highly esteemed. well-known gnostic apocryphal book gospel of thomas, complete text of found in egyptian town of nag hammadi in 1945. gospel of judas, gnostic gospel, received media attention when reconstructed in 2006.

roman catholics , orthodox christians protestants agree on canon of new testament, see development of new testament canon. ethiopian orthodox have in past included & ii clement , shepherd of hermas in new testament canon.

list of sixty

the list of sixty, dating around 7th century, lists sixty books of bible. unknown author lists several apocryphal books not included amongst sixty. these books are:

confucianism , taoism

prophetic texts called ch an-wei (zh:讖緯) written han dynasty (206 bce 220 ce) taoist priests legitimize curb imperial power. deal treasure objects part of zhou (1066 256 bce) royal treasures. emerging instability of warring states period (476–221 bce), ancient chinese scholars saw centralized rule of zhou ideal model new han empire emulate. ch an-wei therefore texts written han scholars zhou royal treasures, not written record history own sake, legitimizing current imperial reign. these texts took form of stories texts , objects being conferred upon emperors heaven , comprising these ancient sage-king s (this how zhou emperors referred time, 500 years after peak) royal regalia. desired effect confirm han emperor s heavenly mandate through continuity offered possession of these same sacred talismans. because of politicized recording of history difficult retrace exact origins of these objects. known these texts produced class of literati called fangshi. these class of nobles not part of state administration; considered specialists or occultists, example diviners, astrologers, alchemists or healers. class of nobles first taoist priests believed have emerged. seidel points out scarcity of sources relating formation of taoism make exact link between apocryphal texts , taoist beliefs unclear.


apocryphal jatakas of pali buddhist canon, such belonging paññāsajātaka collection, have been adapted fit local culture in southeast asian countries , have been retold amendments plots better reflect buddhist morals.

within pali tradition, apocryphal jatakas of later composition (some dated 19th century) treated separate category of literature official jataka stories have been more-or-less formally canonized @ least 5th century—as attested in ample epigraphic , archaeological evidence, such extant illustrations in bas relief ancient temple walls.


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