Revolutionary American Republic Revolutionary republic

the easter rising, major event of irish republicanism.

leading , during war of american independence, in 1760s , 1770s, intellectual , political leaders in thirteen colonies closely read history compare forms of governments , effectiveness. concerned history of liberty in england , rights of englishmen, claimed proper heritage of colonists. these intellectuals influenced britain s country party (which opposed ruling court party). country party relied heavily on classical republicanism of roman heritage; celebrated ideals of duty , virtuous citizenship. drew heavily on ancient greek city-state , roman republican examples. country party denounced corruption surrounding court party in london, centering on royal court. resulting political ideology widespread in america 1775. robert kelley called republicanism distinctive political consciousness of entire revolutionary generation . j. g. a. pocock explained intellectual sources in america:

american revolutionaries took lesson ancient rome. determined avoid luxurious lifestyles , greed had destroyed roman empire. virtuous citizen defined 1 ignored monetary compensation , made commitment resist , eradicate corruption. republicanism required service of willing give own interests common good. according bernard bailyn, preservation of liberty rested on ability of people maintain effective checks on wielders of power , hence in last analysis rested on vigilance , moral stamina of people. duty of virtuous citizen became foundation ideology of american revolution.


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