Volume II New Voyages to North America

the discourse provides information visible in drawing, information on child rearing tactics, native dress various activities, , village plans. (new voyages north america, 1703)

dialogue between lahontan , adario

the dialogue conversation between lahontan , huron, whom describes noted man among savages . 2 discuss fundamental differences between themselves, lahontan french man, , adario huron.

first meeting: begin debating greater god. lahontan fierce defender of jesuit teachings , christian god, while adario speaks of great spirit , tyrannical nature of god creating man seems live in misery. adario comments on how english , french each have own god, , each believes own best. continues speaking negatively christians use of scripture. goes through commandments christians claim believe , finds negative example each. notes french trade on holy days, not offer valuable goods sacrifice god, lie , slander friends, , speak or take snuff during mass, of suggest french infidels faith. lahontan refutes adario s attacks on documents of jesuit teachings pointing out takes strength succeed in living professions french make faith, although acknowledges adario s statements just. lahontan finds fault in sexual relations between unmarried huron men , women, adario defends in terms of hurons ability explore , choose partners liberally. adario continues argument asking lahontan refer behaviors of french man , not men in general not believe men act french reference clergy in france, teach purity not practice it. lahontan defends french clergy stating few black priests not representative of institution whole.
second meeting: lahontan describes importance of jesuit teachings of god, , adario responds teachings confusing , jesuits may baptize many hurons wish should never expect hurons understand significance of baptism. along criticism of baptism notes black devil speaks of not soul rather in france , french laws. lahontan explains importance of law not in laws judges judge virtue, in front of monarch slave. adario still not seem understand , tells anecdote in talks journey between rochel , paris during saw man condemned gallows having bag of salt on him seems totally absurd him french laws against hunting game. lahontan explains hunting privilege landlords have rights, adario views these laws prison-like , of no use hurons.
third meeting: adario explains more thinks french, less happiness finds among them due interest in money , importance of in society. however, lahontan assures adario europe not live without riches, gold , silver, , without money europe become chaos. adario supports huron way of life, living in huts , shooting arrows, while lahontan questions commitment believing huron way of life of boiled meals , beaver skins satisfying. adario questions french lifestyle , calls upon lahontan think how ancestors lived, lahontan replies adario must relish savage strain. after discussion on tranquility of mind, adario suggests lahontan should become huron in order prolong life. lahontan s response consists of worry risk such act engender in france questions being able subsist on huron diet, adario proclaims lahontan prefers slavery liberty.
fourth meeting: lahontan comes adario offering sympathies adario s grandfather ill. adario promptly blames french medical methods deaths of others knew , discontent fact men dying should have lived longer. in discussion lahontan , adario express views concerning medicine. dialogue concludes here reiteration of both adario s , lahontan s perceptions of french , huron society: lahontan compares savage clown, , adario claims french foolish natives.

^ baron de lahontan, louis-armand de lom d’arce (1905). new voyages north america, volume ii. chicago: a.c. mcclurg & co. pp. v, vi. 
^ baron de lahontan, louis-armand de lom d’arce (1905). new voyages north america, volume ii. chicago: a.c. mcclurg & co. p. 516. 
^ baron de lahontan, louis-armand de lom d’arce (1905). new voyages north america, volume ii. chicago: a.c. mcclurg & co. p. 521. 
^ baron de lahontan, louis-armand de lom d’arce (1905). new voyages north america, volume ii. chicago: a.c. mcclurg & co. p. 538. 
^ baron de lahontan, louis-armand de lom d’arce (1905). new voyages north america, volume ii. chicago: a.c. mcclurg & co. p. 559. 
^ baron de lahontan, louis-armand de lom d’arce (1905). new voyages north america, volume ii. chicago: a.c. mcclurg & co. p. 560. 
^ baron de lahontan, louis-armand de lom d’arce (1905). new voyages north america, volume ii. chicago: a.c. mcclurg & co. p. 571. 
^ baron de lahontan, louis-armand de lom d’arce (1905). new voyages north america, volume ii. chicago: a.c. mcclurg & co. p. 577. 


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