Support Mutual Defense Treaty (United States–Philippines)

secretary of state hillary clinton featured philippine president benigno aquino (left) taken while secretary clinton speaking during two-day visit philippines part of president obama s partnership growth agreement coincided 60th anniversary of 2 nations mutual defense treaty, november 17, 2011.

us navy 080629-n-7730p-009 armed forces of philippines, chief of staff, gen. alexander b. yano shares handshake lt.j.g. eduardo vargas. gen. yano flew aboard uss ronald reagan (cvn 76)

after fall of soviet union , decline of threat of communism in 1990s bilateral support mutual defense treaty has taken roller coaster ride in philippines. generally, philippine government has remained favorable towards treaty ever since inception, more coming rely on u.s. defenses has done ever since world war ii. nonetheless more apparent during cold war given numerous active u.s. military bases in philippines. notable , controversial of these bases clark air force base outside of metro manila, , u.s. naval station subic bay. bases garrisoned 40 years after end of world war ii until 1990s. in 1991 anti-us sentiment in philippines forced philippine senate reject new base agreement treaty subsequently forced removal of forces philippine soil. however, given rise of global terrorism events of 9/11 , subsequent economic rise , militant expansion of china, united states has strengthened ties asian allies philippines.

in 60th anniversary year, in ceremony held on november 11, 2011, on deck of u.s. guided missile destroyer uss fitzgerald, docked in manila, 2 governments reaffirmed treaty manila declaration. declaration signed philippine foreign secretary alberto del rosario , u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton. declaration formal affirmation of defensive ties between 2 countries date on century. declaration states, in part:

the republic of philippines , united states reaffirm our shared obligations under mutual defense treaty. expect maintain robust, balanced, , responsive security partnership including cooperating enhance defense, interdiction, , apprehension capabilities of armed forces of philippines. republic of philippines , united states of america today commemorate 60th anniversary of philippines-u.s. mutual defense treaty. on historic occasion, reflect on rich history of our alliance , continuing relevance of treaty peace, security, , prosperity in asia-pacific region. reaffirm treaty foundation of our relationship next 60 years , beyond.

the united states , philippines bound deep , abiding friendship forged history of shared sacrifice , common purpose. many filipinos bravely served side-by-side american servicemen , women during world war ii , veterans of our 2 nations buried @ manila american cemetery in fort bonifacio bear testament our profound , enduring bonds. these bonds enriched presence in of on 4 million filipinos , filipino americans, , in philippines on 150,000 americans, shape political , economic future of both countries.

in followup signing of manila declaration u.s. , philippine representatives met sign onto new partnership strengthening economic , defensive ties of 2 countries. new formal agreement partnership growth. new agreement comes part of president obama s global development initiative designed strengthen philippines business development , commercial ties between 2 countries. during signing ceremony of new agreement secretary clinton reaffirmed u.s. s position on mutual defense of philippines through statement in corner of philippines. stand , fight achieve future seek .

official support treaty appears growing in face of foreign threats , fears pertain china. under aquino administration in philippines , obama administration in united states neither country appears giving indication of weakening economic or military ties 1 another.


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