Reception by historians David Irving

irving, once held in regard expert knowledge of german military archives, controversial figure start. interpretations of war regarded unduly favourable german side. @ first seen personal opinion, unpopular consistent full respectability historian.

by 1988, however, irving had begun reject status of holocaust systematic , deliberate genocide; , became main proponent of holocaust denial. this, along association far-right circles, dented standing historian. marked change in irving s reputation can seen in surveys of historiography of third reich produced ian kershaw. in first edition of kershaw s book nazi dictatorship in 1985, irving called maverick historian working outside mainstream of historical profession. time of fourth edition of nazi dictatorship in 2000, irving described historical writer had in 1970s engaged in provocations intended provide exculpation of hitler s role in final solution . other critical responses work tend follow pattern.

the description of irving historian, rather historical author, controversial, publications since libel trial continuing refer him historian or disgraced historian , while others insist not historian, , have adopted alternatives such author or historic writer . military historian john keegan praised irving extraordinary ability describe , analyse hitler s conduct of military operations, main occupation during second world war . donald cameron watt, emeritus professor of modern history @ london school of economics, wrote admires of irving s work historian, though rejects conclusions holocaust. @ libel proceedings against irving, watt declined irving s request testify, appearing after subpoena ordered. testified irving had written very, effective piece of historical scholarship in 1960s, unrelated controversial work; said irving not in top class of military historians.


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