Mechanical reaping Reaper

mccormick s reaper @ presentation in virginia

the mccormick reaper designed robert mccormick in walnut grove, virginia. however, robert became frustrated when unable perfect new device. son cyrus asked permission try complete father s project. permission granted, mccormick reaper patented son cyrus mccormick in 1837 horse-drawn farm implement cut small grain crops. mccormick reaper machine had several special elements:

a main wheel frame
projected side platform containing cutter bar having fingers through reciprocated knife driven crank
upon outer end of platform divider projecting ahead of platform separate grain cut left standing
a reel positioned above platform hold grain against reciprocating knife throw upon platform
the machine drawn team walking @ side of grain.

cyrus mccormick claimed reaper invented in 1834, giving him true claim general design of machine. on next few decades hussey , mccormick reapers compete each other in marketplace, despite being quite similar.

in 1861, united states patent , trademark office issued ruling on invention of polarizing reaper design. determined money made reapers in large part due obed hussey. s.t. shugert, acting commissioner of patents, declared hussey s improvements foundation of success. ruled heirs of obed hussey monetarily compensated hard work , innovation had made money reaper. ruled mccormick s reaper patent renewed 7 years.

although mccormick reaper revolutionary innovation harvesting of crops, did not experience mainstream success , acceptance until @ least 20 years after patented cyrus mccormick. because mccormick reaper lacked quality unique obed hussey s reaper. hussey s reaper used sawlike cutter bar cut stalks far more mccormick s. once cyrus mccormick able acquire rights hussey s cutter-bar mechanism (around 1850) did revolutionary machine emerge. other factors in gradual uptake of mechanized reaping included natural cultural conservatism among farmers (proven tradition versus new , unknown machinery); poor state of many new farm fields, littered rocks, stumps, , areas of uneven soil, making lifespan , operability of reaping machine questionable; , amount of fearful luddism among farmers machine take away jobs, among hired manual labourers.

another strong competitor in industry manny reaper john henry manny , companies succeeded him. though mccormick has been simplistically credited [sole] inventor of mechanical reaper, more accurate statement independently reinvented aspects of it, created crucial original integration of enough aspects make successful whole, , benefited influence of more 2 decades of work father, aid of jo anderson, slave held family.

reapers in late 19th , 20th century

champion reaper, trade card 1875

horse-drawn reaper in canada in 1941

after first reapers developed , patented, other different reapers distributed several manufacturers throughout world. champion (combined) reapers , mowers, produced champion interest group (champion machine company, later warder, bushnell & glessner, absorbed in ihc 1902) in springfield, ohio in second half of 19th century, highly successful in 1880s in united states. springfield still known champion city .

generally, reapers developed 1872 invented reaper-binder, reaped crop , bound sheaves. 1896, 400,000 reaper-binders estimated harvesting grain. in turn replaced swather , combine harvester, reaps , threshes in 1 operation.

in central european agriculture reapers – reaper-binders – common machines until mid-20th century.


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