History German settlement in the Philippines

1 history

1.1 spanish rule
1.2 first philippine republic
1.3 american period
1.4 modern era

spanish rule

the first germans arrive philippines colonists. otto von bismarck’s germany 1 of united states rivals in replacing spanish rule in archipelago. 1890 outbreak of spanish–american war in 1898, there lull in germany’s colonial campaigns. other colonialist nations, germany sought protect overseas nationals , trade interests extent of safeguarding free access markets. german squadron arrived in manila , engaged in maneuvers commodore george dewey seeing obstruction of blockade, offered war — after germans backed down.

first philippine republic

the battle of manila bay took place on 1 may 1898, following outbreak of spanish–american war. german emperor expected american defeat, spain left in sufficiently weak position revolutionaries capture manila—leaving philippines ripe german picking. following american victory in war, philippines , far east brought attention of world , germany recognized great potentialities of islands major commercial market.

on 12 june, day philippines declared independence spain, vice-admiral otto von diederichs arrived in manila bay. number of german war vessels in philippine waters increased three. earlier, on 6 , 9 may, respectively, german ships irene , cormoran arrived in bay separate instruction german government, protect german nationals in manila. german’s interest in philippines cut short signing of treaty of paris on 10 december 1898. philippines annexed united states in 1899.

american period

the philippines part of united states between 1898 , 1946. during era of philippine commonwealth, 1935–1946, jewish refugees including german jews europe sought safe haven in manila. migration of jews escaping europe between 1935 , 1941 last major immigration of jews philippines. first german jews arrive in manila came jewish community in shanghai. occupation of peking japanese in 1937, 4 million inhabitants of shanghai endangered. germany s shift of alliance china japan @ time alarmed german jews in shanghai, fearing german pressure on japan adopt nazi anti-jewish policies. fearing them well, jewish community in manila, led frieder brothers of cincinnati, organized jewish refugee committee of manila (jrc) intention of rescuing german members of shanghai jewish community.

modern era

in recent years, several german businesses have set shops in philippines, , number of germans have chosen philippines new residence. in philippines, since formation in january 1906, german club has provided place of respite , interaction germans , filipinos alike. in past century, has stood witness country’s unfolding history , today enjoys regular patronage of members , guests @ current location in legaspi village, makati city.


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