History Canadian Grain Elevator Discovery Centre

former pioneer elevator, nanton.

former alberta wheat pool (twined) elevators , box car, nanton.

seed cleaning elevator in nanton.

in 2001 last of nanton’s grain elevator row threatened demolition because of recent abandonment of canadian pacific railway elevators stood next to. many worried citizens in , around town of nanton had realized part of town s , province s history torn down , lost forever.

the concerned citizens of nanton had rallied , formed historical society appropriately named save 1 . of course original goal of save 1 effort that, save one, before done save elevator society had gain full title land , buildings. big undertaking take 3 years achieve. many volunteer hours many local businesses , citizens, society successful not did end saving 1 elevator, 3 remaining elevators. many donations members , surrounding farmers-ranchers, have been made , have helped in replacing railway tracks next elevators completion of many of repairs , restorations needed done on elevators. including painting former alberta wheat pool original green , former pioneer elevator original orange & yellow.

included in row, not part of elevator discovery centre nanton seed cleaning co. elevator smaller elevator.


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