Controversies Workers' Party (Brazil)

1 controversies

1.1 2003–2007 internal crisis , split
1.2 bancoop scandal
1.3 2006 electoral scandal
1.4 mensalão scandal
1.5 lava jato scandal

2003–2007 internal crisis , split

the changes in political orientation of pt (from left-wing socialist centre-left social-democratic party) after lula elected president received many in population, but, historically more radical party, pt has experienced series of internal struggles members have refused embrace new political positions of party. these struggles have fueled public debates, worst of had climax in december 2003, when 4 dissident legislators expelled party voting against social insurance reform. among these members congressman joão batista oliveira de araujo (known babá), , senator heloísa helena, formed partido socialismo e liberdade (psol) in june 2004 , ran president in 2006, becoming, @ time, woman had garnered votes in brazilian history.

in move, 112 members of radical-wing of party announced abandoning pt in world social forum, in porto alegre, on 30 january 2005. published manifesto entitled manifesto of rupture states pt no longer instrument of social transformation, instrument of status quo , continuing references international monetary fund , other economic , social issues.

the bancoop scandal

this scandal, called bancoop case included joão vaccari neto , 4 other directors of housing cooperative. cooperative received government contracts , had multi-million reais in revenue. cooperative found have illegally upcharge service contracts 20%, many of contracts going unfulfilled. cooperative folded deficit of on r$100 million, requiring liquidation of assets minimize loss members.

the 2006 electoral scandal

this scandal unfolded around september 2006, 2 weeks before general elections. result, berzoini left coordination of lula s re-election after alleged use of pt s budget (which partially state-funded, through party allowances) purchase, confessed fraudster, dossier used attack political adversaries. on 25 april 2007, supreme electoral tribunal unanimously cleared lula of responsibility scandal.

the mensalão scandal

in july 2005, members of party suffered sequence of corruption accusations, started deputy of brazilian labour party (partido trabalhista brasileiro – ptb), roberto jefferson. serious evidence slush funding , bribes-for-votes presented, dragging pt serious crisis in history – known colloquially mensalão. josé genoíno resigned president of party , replaced tarso genro, former mayor of porto alegre. small minority of party members defected result of crisis. of them went psol.

the lava jato scandal

the investigation of series of crimes, such corruption , money laundering, led arrest of party s treasurer, joão vaccari neto, , sister-in-law. josé genoino, josé dirceu, delcídio amaral arrested in process.


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