Biography Christoph Hartknoch

hartknoch features last residence, city of thorn (toruń), in book old , new prussia

in 1679 hartknoch published book prussian history, old , new prussia, first in latin , in german, history of church in prussia. works accompanied descriptions , illustrations of people, history, , culture, copper etching illustrations of towns. received ethnographical information priest matthäus prätorius.

hartknoch s work in polish–lithuanian commonwealth, kaunas, , vilnius awoke interest in history. wrote comprehensive work on commonwealth spanning 300 years, first of kind.

in 1677 city of toruń (thorn) invited hartknoch become director @ gymnasium, worked ten years. wearied poverty, hartknoch died , buried there in 1687 @ age of 43.

hartknoch s extensive scientific body of works contributed knowledge of prussia, pomerania, samogitia, courland, , poland.


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