Language Heterosexuality


hetero- comes greek word έτερος [héteros], meaning other party or , used in science prefix meaning different ; , latin word sex (that is, characteristic sex or sexual differentiation). term heterosexual first published in 1892 in c.g. chaddock s translation of krafft-ebing s psychopathia sexualis . noun came use 1920s, did not enter common use until 1960s. colloquial shortening hetero attested 1933. abstract noun heterosexuality first recorded in 1900. word heterosexual first listed in merriam-webster s new international dictionary medical term morbid sexual passion 1 of opposite sex ; however, in 1934 in second edition unabridged defined manifestation of sexual passion 1 of opposite sex; normal sexuality . adjective heterosexual used intimate relationships or sexual relations between male , female.


the current use of term heterosexual has roots in broader 19th century tradition of personality taxonomy. continues influence development of modern concept of sexual orientation, , can used describe individuals sexual orientation, sexual history, or self-identification. reject term heterosexual, feel word refers 1 s sexual behavior , not refer non-sexual romantic feelings. term heterosexual suggested have come use neologism after, , opposite to, word homosexual karl maria kertbeny in 1868. in lgbt slang, term breeder has been used denigrating phrase deride heterosexuals. hyponyms of heterosexual include heteroflexible.

the word can informally shortened hetero . term straight originated mid-20th century gay slang term heterosexuals, coming phrase go straight (as in straight , narrow ), or stop engaging in homosexual sex. 1 of first uses of word in way in 1941 author g. w. henry. henry s book concerned conversations homosexual males , used term in connection people identified ex-gays. colloquial term heterosexual , having changed in primary meaning on time. object usage of term straight because implies non-heteros crooked.


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