Kierkegaard and Fichte Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard


kierkegaard wrote johann gottlieb fichte in thesis concept of irony in first book de omnibus dubitandum est, written under pseudonym johannes climacus, , journals. fichte wrote book vocation of man (1800) called progression in life of human being doubt knowledge , faith. de omnibus dubitandum est descartes , means must doubted. both kierkegaard , fichte interested in idea of beginning doubt subjectivity. kierkegaard wrote: in fichte, subjectivity became free, infinite, negative. in order subjectivity out of movement of emptiness in moved in infinite abstraction, had negated; in order thought become actual, had become concrete.

our whole age imbued formal striving. led disregard congeniality , emphasize symmetrical beauty, prefer conventional rather sincere social relations. whole striving denoted — use words of author — fichte s , other philosophers attempts construct systems sharpness of mind , robespierre s attempt of guillotine; meets in flowing butterfly verses of our poets , in auber s music, , finally, produces many revolutions in political world. agree whole effort cling form, insofar continues medium through have idea, should not forgotten idea should determine form, not form determines idea. should keep in mind life not abstract extremely individual. should not forget that, example, poetic genius position of immediacy, form nothing coming existence of idea in world, , task of reflection investigate whether or not idea has gotten corresponding form. form not basis of life, life basis of form. imagine man long infatuated greek mode of life had acquired means arrange building in greek style , grecian household establishment — whether or not satisfied highly problematical, or prefer form because had not sufficiently tested himself , system in lived. leap backward wrong (something age, on whole, inclined acknowledge), leap forward wrong — both of them because natural development not proceed leaps, , life s earnestness ironize on every such experiment, if succeeds momentarily. soren kierkegaard, journals, our journalistic literature november 28, 1835


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