Divisions Opportunist Republicans

president jules grévy, portrait léon bonnat (1879).

after franco-prussian war (1870–1871) , consequential fall of french empire, third french republic born. however, politics divided in 2 groups: right-wing monarchists (orléanists , legitimists) , left-wing republicans (radicals , moderates). if both republicans combined anti-clericalism , social reformism, radicals nationalist , anti-german, refusing treaty of versailles prussia. moderates instead supported treaty, , more pragmatic on international politics. in 1871, after elections, republicans inside chamber of deputies split in 2 groups: moderate republican left, led jules favre, , radical republican union led léon gambetta.

the 2 parliamentary groups non-influential during years of republic, dominated monarchist moral order coalition of patrice macmahon, after failure of return monarchy, after elections of 1876 moderate , radical republicans gained 193 , 98 seats in chamber, respectively. time, republicans maintained strong majorities in french parliament, , pejoratively called opportunists detractors aptitude gain popular consensus in spite of ideology.


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