Christian views Binding of Isaac

sacrifice of isaac, adi holzer, 1997

the binding of isaac mentioned in new testament epistle hebrews among many acts of faith recorded in old testament: faith abraham, when tested, offered isaac, , had received promises offered begotten son, of whom said, in isaac seed shall called, concluding god able raise him up, dead, received him in figurative sense. (hebrews 11:17–19, nkjv)

abraham s faith in god such felt god able resurrect slain isaac, in order prophecy (genesis 21:12) might fulfilled. christian preaching accepted jewish interpretations of binding of isaac without elaborating. example, hippolytus of rome says in commentary on song of songs, blessed isaac became desirous of anointing , wished sacrifice himself sake of world (on song 2:15). other christians period saw isaac type of word of god prefigured christ. majority of christian biblical commentators view episode prefiguring god s plan have own son, jesus, die on cross substitute humanity, ram god provided abraham. fulfilled abraham s reply isaac s question of animal used sacrifice; abraham s affirmation god himself provide lamb burnt offering seen prophetic foreshadow of promise of lamb of god. abraham s willingness give own son isaac seen, in view, foreshadowing willingness of god father sacrifice son; contrasted isaac s submission in whole ordeal christ s, 2 choosing lay down own lives in order of god accomplished, no struggle mentioned in genesis account. indeed, both stories portray participants carrying wood own sacrifice mountain.

genesis 22:2 states occurred in region of moriah . there has been speculation within christianity whether binding occurred upon temple mount or upon calvary, hill upon christ crucified, or somewhere else. alternate interpretation proposes calvary on section of mount moriah, temple mount, has subsequently been divided main part purpose of defending jerusalem. such crucifixion occur on same mountain.


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