Reopening Ghost station

the reopening of jannowitzbrücke u-bahn station on 11 november 1989, first of ghost stations reopened after fall of berlin wall

the first people enter ghost stations after fall of berlin wall in november 1989 found lived informal name, ads , signage on walls unchanged since 1961. none of them have been preserved.

the first ghost station reopen passenger traffic jannowitzbrücke (u8) on 11 november 1989, 2 days after fall of wall. equipped checkpoint within station akin friedrichstraße, east german customs , border control provisionally installed facilitate passengers heading or coming east berlin. hand-drawn destination signs hung covering old ones pre-1961; these signs both crumbling age , missing termini of post-1961 line extensions. on 22 december 1989, rosenthaler platz (u8) reopened similar provisional checkpoint.

on 12 april 1990, third station reopen bernauer straße (u8). northern exit directly on border, opened direct access west berlin without need of checkpoint. southern exit towards east berlin not reopened until 1 july 1990.

discussions on reopening u6 , u8 stations including s-bahn station oranienburger straße, unter den linden , nordbahnhof had begun on 13 april 1990 without border controls. these took 2 months clean up, removing dirt , refurbishing interiors; stations had been reopened on 1 july 1990 @ 11 a.m., east berlin , east germany had adopted west german currency (dm), leaving border checkpoints abandoned.

s-bahn station potsdamer platz – formerly ghost station , reopened

on 2 july 1990, oranienburger straße first ghost station on nord-süd-s-bahn reopen. on 1 september 1990, unter den linden , nordbahnhof opened following reconstruction works. on 12 december 1990, bornholmer straße reopened west berlin trains; second platform east berlin trains allowing interchange followed on 5 august 1991. last ghost station reopen potsdamer platz, opened on 3 march 1992, following extensive restoration of entire north–south tunnel.

in following years, city , german government put great deal of effort restoring , reunifying s-bahn , u-bahn networks in berlin. u-bahn system reached pre-wall status in 1995 reopening of warschauer straße on u1. s-bahn system reached preliminary completion in 2002 (with reopening of ring), though there still disused sections of lines closed in aftermath of wall. decisions on reopening of of these sections still made.


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