Public intellectual work Reid Hoffman

1 public intellectual work

1.1 speaking
1.2 writing
1.3 start-up of you
1.4 alliance
1.5 masters of scale

public intellectual work

hoffman has spoken @ xprize foundation s conference , ted conference in long beach in 2012. frequent lecturer @ stanford university, oxford university, harvard university, mit s media lab, , others. has appeared on charlie rose show, fareed zakaria s global public square on cnn , other current affairs television programs.


hoffman has published variety of posts “linkedin influencer” on linkedin. published essay proposing new form of credentialing university students , professionals entitled “disrupting diploma.” on personal website, published “linkedin’s series b pitch greylock: pitch advice entrepreneurs,” in analyzed linkedin’s 2004 series b venture funding pitch deck , offered advice prospective entrepreneurs on how formulate pitch deck.

hoffman has written op-eds in washington post, including 1 published in 2009 entitled “let startups bail out” encouraging funding grassroots innovation in wake of financial crisis , in june 2013 entitled “immigration promotes entrepreneurship , prosperity” advocating immigration reform. has written strategy+business on professional networking , influencer on linkedin posts original written content.

the start-up of you

hoffman co-author, ben casnocha, of career book start-up of you: adapt future, invest in yourself, , transform career.

the book released in united states on february 14, 2012. argues individuals should think of businesses-of-one – “ceo of own career” – , draws many parallels between lessons learned stories of successful silicon valley technology companies , individual’s career.

publishers weekly reviewed book positively, saying, “with plenty of valuable guidance relevant career stage, book readers not survive professionally in times of uncertainty stand out pack , flourish.” economist said “hoffman , casnocha make number of astute observations shifts in world of work.”

as of september 2012 had sold more 100,000 copies. became both new york times , wall street journal bestseller. business insider republished visual summaries of start-up of you, have received on 13 million views.

the alliance

hoffman co-author, ben casnocha , chris yeh, of management book alliance: managing talent in networked age.

the book released in united states on july 8, 2014. argues previous career models of lifetime employment , free agency no longer work in business world defined continuous change. instead, proposes employers , employees should think of each other “allies” , move transactional approach employment “relational” one. proposes new framework managers , employers organize work, described “tours of duty.” further, argues why managers should encourage employees gather “network intelligence” , why companies , managers should maintain lifelong relationship former employees via corporate alumni network.

the book became new york times bestseller. arianna huffington named alliance “the must-read book of summer” in 2014.

masters of scale

on 25 april 2017 reid hoffman announced launch of new podcast masters of scale promote new form of leadership based on gender equality in workplace.

the official podcast launched on 5 may, 2017 on entrepreneur magazine website @ there 10 episodes special guests such mark zuckerberg, brian chesky, sheryl sandberg, , others.


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