Hunting Eurasian woodcock

eurasian woodcock depicted on old republic of ireland farthing coin (in use 1928–69). despite small size, woodcock important game bird , source of meat poor farm labourers.

in many countries woodcock hunted game, , size, speed , flight pattern makes them challenging shot. shooting witnessed right , left —in 2 woodcock killed consecutive shots shotgun, without gun being lowered or reloaded—can admitted shooting times woodcock club.

in 1821 william bingley described method of trapping eurasian woodcock formerly used in northern england: long parallel rows of stones or stick, 4 or 5 inches high, made in moonlight nights on commons frequented them. in these rows several intervals or gateways left in traps placed. when birds, running in search of food, came 1 of these rows, did not cross it, ran along side till arrived @ gateways, entered, , in caught.

the effect of hunting on species european breeding population little understood. study conducted in brittany, france, explored factors affecting populations of wintering eurasian woodcock. mortality , survival rates of 98 radio-tagged birds monitored in hunted area , in adjoining hunting-free reserve. scientists found rates of survival of 0.86 adults , 0.67 juveniles, probability of survival increasing birds spent more time in reserve. matrix population models used , conclusion such low survival probabilities cannot sustain long-term viable populations. these results call caution in harvesting of woodcock populations wintering in western france , forewarning of decline.

in united kingdom, surveys being conducted improve knowledge of number of breeding eurasian woodcock , structure of habitat. isotope analysis of feathers eurasian woodcock shot in uk being performed establish origins of birds.


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