Contemporary Wyandot groups Wyandot people

flag of wyandotte nation in oklahoma

the wyandotte nation headquartered in wyandotte, oklahoma, 4,957 enrolled members.

in canada, there 1 wyandot first nation:

huron-wendat nation, @ wendake, within quebec city limits, approximately 3,000 members. catholic , speak french first language. have begun promote study , use of wyandot language among children. many decades, leading source of income wyandot of quebec has been selling pottery, traditional-pattern snowshoes, summer , winter moccasins , other locally produced crafts.

unrecognized groups

aside above, there 2 unrecognized tribes calling wyandot in united states:

wyandot nation of anderdon, headquarters in trenton, michigan, has 1,200 members
wyandot nation of kansas, headquartered in kansas city, kansas, has estimated 400 members

the wyandot nation of kansas has had legal battles wyandotte nation of oklahoma on fate of huron cemetery in kansas city, kansas. has been point of contention more century. because of complications during indian removal process, land continued under legal control of federally recognized wyandotte nation of oklahoma. have expressed interest in redeveloping benefit of people. members of local kansas wyandot have opposed such proposals, have required reinternment of indian remains, including many of direct ancestors. in 1998, 2 groups agreed preserve cemetery religious, cultural , other uses appropriate sacred history , use.


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