Types of curb Curb

1 types of curb

1.1 shape
1.2 material
1.3 height
1.4 integral gutter

types of curb

there number of types of curb, categorized shape, material, height, , whether curb combined gutter. curb constructed separately pavement, , gutter formed @ joint between roadway , curb. combined curb , gutter (also called curb , channel ) has concrete curb , gutter cast in 1 piece. integral curb curbing constructed integrally part of concrete pavement.


curbs have vertical or nearly-vertical face, called barrier , non-mountable , or insurmountable curb . vertical-faced curb used discourage motor vehicle drivers leaving roadway. square (90°-edge) or close-to-square type still used in towns , cities, straight step down , less tripped-over pedestrians. contrast, slope-faced curb allows motor vehicles cross @ low speed. slope-faced curb used on major suburban thoroughfares.

at crosswalks , other pedestrian crossings, narrow dropped curb cuts used allow small wheeled vehicles such wheelchairs, children s tricycles, prams, , strollers cross. makes easier traverse pedestrians, , in wheelchairs. wider curb cuts used allow motor vehicles cross sidewalks @ low speed, typically driveways.

in great britain, high containment kerbs used @ locations pedestrians, fuel station pumps, , other areas need greater protection vehicle traffic. these 14 inches (36 cm) high - higher standard curb, sloped lower portion , concave face. these known trief curbs.

rounded curbs used @ driveways, , continuously along suburban residential streets there many driveways , sidewalk has grassy setback street. type of curbing starts out flat road, curves in concave manner gentle slope, curves in convex manner flat again, making easier drive over, , known mountable curb in localities.


curbs constructed of many materials, including asphalt, stone or masonry blocks, made of portland cement concrete. type of material may depend on type of paving material used road , desired function or need. example, portland concrete curb used asphalt concrete road surface provides highly visible barrier @ edge of road surface. other types of curb material include stone slabs, cobblestone, , manufactured pavers.

concrete curb may constructed setting forms hand, filling them, letting them set up, , removing forms. when large quantities of curb constructed, more efficient use slip form casting machine. curbs can precast @ central location , trucked construction site.

asphalt curb made paving machine. can cheaper if formed @ same time road paved, less durable concrete curb.

stone curb, made granite, durable , resistant de-icing salt. chosen aesthetic reasons. in areas granite available, may cheaper concrete curb. 1 disadvantage of granite curb can cut tire sidewall if rough-faced.

belgian block curbs made placing blocks on concrete slip. then, more concrete wedged in between blocks hold them together. these blocks can vertical, or angled in order create mountable curb.


this machine slip casts concrete curb integral gutter

when designing curbed roadway, engineers specify reveal or lip . reveal height of section visible (revealed) above road surface. typical reveals in 4 8 inches (100 200 mm) range. curbs @ handicapped curb cuts (or kerb ramps , example in australia) should have no reveal, although americans disabilities act guidelines permit 0.25 inches (6.4 mm) of vertical reveal.

most curb extends down ground below pavement surface, improve stability on time. total height, including buried portion, 16 inches (410 mm).

integral gutter

curbs integral gutters used better hydraulic flow performance needed. however, places longitudinal joint (parallel direction of travel) near bicyclists ride. if main roadway , gutter settle differently on time, vertical edge develops @ joint can cause hazard bicyclists.


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