South Somerset Scheduled monuments in Somerset

the remains of muchelney abbey founded in 7th or 8th century.

the south somerset district occupies area of 370 square miles (958 km), stretching borders devon , dorset edge of somerset levels. district has population of 156,000, , has yeovil administrative centre.

there 69 scheduled monuments in south somerset. of oldest neolithic, bronze age or iron age including hill forts, such kenwalch s castle , bowl barrows. romano-british period represented several sites including low ham roman villa included extensive mosaic floor, on display in museum of somerset. religious sites represented muchelney abbey, founded in 7th or 8th century, , montacute priory, cluniac priory of benedictine order, 11th. bruton abbey founded benedictines before becoming house of augustinian canons. stoke sub hamdon priory formed in 1304 chantry college rather priory.

more recent sites include several motte-and-bailey castles such cary castle, , church crosses date middle ages. several packhorse bridges, such bow bridge, plox appear in list. recent monuments include round house, village lock-up in castle cary dating 1779.


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