Religions Witten

1 religions

1.1 roman catholic
1.2 protestant
1.3 muslims
1.4 jews


st. maria church

roman catholic

when witten first mentioned in historical documents, part of archdiocese of cologne. since 1821 has been part of diocese of paderborn; however, borough of herbede belongs diocese of essen. in 19th century ruhr area drew 500,000 poles east prussia , silesia, of whom catholic. hundreds settled in witten, leading growth in catholic community. today, between 30 , 40 per cent of population catholic.


in 16th century witten influenced martin luther s reformation, , until late 19th century, witten predominantly protestant town few catholic inhabitants. between 30 , 40 per cent of population protestant today.


there 4 mosques in witten, annen , herbede today, founded immigrants turkey arrived in 1970s , 1980s. between 5 , 8 per cent of population muslim.


memorial @ place of former synagogue

in 1815 first jewish community mentioned in witten. in 1938 synagogue destroyed during so-called reichspogromnacht (also known kristallnacht) of 9–10 november 1938. today, dozen jews live in witten. belong jewish community in dortmund.

since 1994 place of former synagogue marked memorial.


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