Phenotype Genotype

any given gene cause observable change in organism, known phenotype. terms genotype , phenotype distinct @ least 2 reasons:

a simple example illustrate genotype distinct phenotype flower colour in pea plants (see gregor mendel). there 3 available genotypes, pp (homozygous dominant), pp (heterozygous), , pp (homozygous recessive). 3 have different genotypes first 2 have same phenotype (purple) distinct third (white).

a more technical example illustrate genotype single nucleotide polymorphism or snp. snp occurs when corresponding sequences of dna different individuals differ @ 1 dna base, example sequence aagccta changes aagctta. contains 2 alleles : c , t. snps typically have 3 genotypes, denoted generically aa aa , aa. in example above, 3 genotypes cc, ct , tt. other types of genetic marker, such microsatellites, can have more 2 alleles, , many different genotypes.

penetrance proportion of individuals showing specified genotype in phenotype under given set of environmental conditions.


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