Sudden sensorineural hearing loss Sensorineural hearing loss

1 sudden sensorineural hearing loss

1.1 presentation
1.2 diagnosis of sshl
1.3 causes of sshl
1.4 treatment sshl

sudden sensorineural hearing loss

sudden sensorineural hearing loss (sshl), commonly known sudden deafness, occurs unexplained, rapid loss of hearing—usually in 1 ear—either @ once or on several days. 9 out of ten people sshl lose hearing in 1 ear. should considered medical emergency. delaying diagnosis , treatment may render treatment less effective or ineffective.

experts estimate sshl strikes 1 person per 5,000 every year, typically adults in 40s , 50s. actual number of new cases of sshl each year higher because condition goes undiagnosed.


many people notice have sshl when wake in morning. others first notice when try use deafened ear, such when use phone. still others notice loud, alarming pop before hearing disappears. people sudden deafness become dizzy, have ringing in ears (tinnitus), or both.

diagnosis of sshl

sshl diagnosed via pure tone audiometry. if test shows loss of @ least 30db in 3 adjacent frequencies, hearing loss diagnosed sshl. example, hearing loss of 30db make conversational speech sound more whisper.

causes of sshl

only 10 15 percent of cases diagnosed sshl have identifiable cause. cases classified idiopathic, called sudden idiopathic hearing loss (sihl) , idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (isshl or issnhl) majority of evidence points type of inflammation in inner ear common cause of ssnhl.

viral - swelling may due virus. herpes type virus believed common cause of sudden sensorineural hearing loss. herpes virus lays dormant in our bodies , reactivates unknown reason.
vascular ischemia of inner ear or cranial nerve viii (cn8)
perilymph fistula, due rupture of round or oval windows , leakage of perilymph. patient experience vertigo or imbalance. history of trauma present , changes hearing or vertigo occur alteration in intracranial pressure such straining; lifting, blowing etc.
autoimmune - can due autoimmune illness such systemic lupus erythematosus, granulomatosis polyangiitis

treatment sshl

about half of people ssnhl recover or of hearing spontaneously, within 1 2 weeks onset. eighty-five percent of receive treatment otolaryngologist (sometimes called ent) recover of hearing.

vitamins , antioxidants
betahistine (betaserc), anti-vertigo drug
hyperbaric oxygen
anti-inflammatory agents, oral corticosteroids such prednisone, methylprednisone
intratympanic administration - gel formulations under investigation provide more consistent drug delivery inner ear. local drug delivery can accomplished through intratympanic administration, minimally invasive procedure ear drum anesthetized , drug administered middle ear. middle ear, drug can diffuse across round window membrane inner ear. intratympanic administration of steroids may effective sudden sensorineural hearing loss patients, high quality clinical data has not been generated. intratympanic administration of anti-apoptotic peptide (jnk inhibitor) being evaluated in late-stage clinical development.

^ sudden deafness | massachusetts eye , ear . retrieved 2016-02-25. 
^ h91.2 . icd-10 version:2010. 2010. 
^ bennett, m. h.; kertesz, t.; perleth, m.; yeung, p.; lehm, j. p. (17 october 2012). hyperbaric oxygen idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss , tinnitus (review) . cochrane database of systematic reviews. 10: cd004739. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd004739.pub4. pmid 23076907. 
^ mccall a.a.; et al. (2010). drug delivery treatment of inner ear disease: current state of knowledge . ear hear. 31 (2): 156–65. doi:10.1097/aud.0b013e3181c351f2. pmc 2836414 . pmid 19952751. cs1 maint: explicit use of et al. (link)
^ crane r.a.; et al. (2015). steroids treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . laryngoscope. 125 (1): 209–17. doi:10.1002/lary.24834. pmid 25045896. cs1 maint: explicit use of et al. (link)
^ suckfuell m.; et al. (2014). efficacy , safety of am-111 in treatment of acute sensorineural hearing loss: double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled phase ii study . otol neurotol. 35 (8): 1317–26. doi:10.1097/mao.0000000000000466. pmid 24979398. cs1 maint: explicit use of et al. (link)


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